Chapter 9 - Part 2

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[Regor reached through the crack and grabbed Haiden's hand sending through him a sear of freezing pain straight to his soul. It was so sharp it enveloped Haiden's mind, his thoughts stopped registering. Everything went black.]

A sense of overwhelming calmness came over Haiden as his consciousness came back. The feeling of being watched, the paranoia, it was gone. He did it.

The softness of his bed that supported his weight of his exhausted body just right . With eyes still closed, trying to steal a few more moments of shut eye, he relaxed. But, it soon proved to be impossible as his friends made their presence known through worried whisperings and outrageous assumptions that made Haiden mentally roll his eyes.

"He's dead!" Maree whispered. Haiden heard a thump which could only have been Camila smacking some manners into Maree.

"You'll be dead if you don't shut up!" Tasgal warned under his teeth. His chest purposly rumbled with his deep voice. Haiden was certain the Ash'en was trying to intimidate Maree, but not even Bras' beatings could keep him from taking a piss at on one of the Empire's most dangerous Elites. The vibrations of Tasgal's voice travled to Haiden's eardrums with a tingle. He felt as if he was whispering in his ear.

"What are you going to do, muscle boy. You don't even have your big sword with you." Maree laughed.

"At least I - "

"Both of you, shut the fuck up. We don't need this right now!" Camila interjected with an angry whisper.

I should tell them I'm awake. Haiden thought.

Y-y-y-ye-yes. Me thinks s-s-s-so too. Haiden's eyes flew open and he jumped out of bed, heart pounding. Haiden looked around in the dark, only a miserably dim shiny light stone hung in the air above Camila. He quickly spotted her and Tasgal laying on the floor with Maree in his chair, mouths gaped.

"Haiden!" Camila rose and flew onto Haiden giving a big hug. "We were so worried!" she squeezed. Surprised by the sudden contact he stood frozen for a moment before reciprocating the hug. A short thought ran through his mind; if only Tasgal was the one in his arms. He quickly shoved that notion aside; not the time nor place.

"You were right, meathead. He didn't die." Maree added, but his voice was not one of sarcasm but major relief and he slumped into the chair releasing the tension in his body

"How do you feel?" Tasgal asked, ignoring Maree's blatant insult. He braced himself as he raised to his feet. Worry was written all over his face in the dim light of the stone.

"I don't know." Haiden's heart started racing, remembering the events before he passed out. "I think I saw him! I...there were others!"Haiden took a moment to recollect the shadowy figures that hid in the gray haze. "Others! And, and the barrier was there! But I couldn't see you. It was really dark. They came for me, trying to get me, but the barrier held them away. I couldn't walk. Think! I had to think about it and BOOM I was there. And then Regor looked..." he stopped for a second to think and breathe through his flurry of stringed words. "And I did it! I think. I touched him, Camila. I did. He was so cold. I - "

"Calm down, Haiden." Tasgal reached and grabbed his shoulder, sending shivers through his spine. "Breathe," and Haiden did. "we saw you colapse as soon as you inhaled the Sparkling Howler seeds. Maree and Camila dropped the shield as soon as you hit the ground and we brough you here." That didn't make any sense. So many things had happened when he went to the other world. He relaxed and started from the beginning, and told them everything. They all exchanged worried glances in silence after he finished. Camila didn't know if she could belive what Haiden had just told them. Maree made a slight rotating motion with his finger around his temple.

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