Chapter 5 - Part 1

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The wooden floor creaked as Master Wielder Omnelia paced around the classroom, while some students listened quietly and others snickered in the back she voiced her thoughts on the importance of the natural sciences in Wielding. The fair haired woman was adored by the faculty. Even the ever cynical Master Rwoy seemed to transform around her. As she passed by the warm smell of spring lingered in the air, displacing the cold scent of old parchment and ink, that filled every room in the castle, imbuing the classroom with a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. Just perfect to steal some shut-eye during a heavy snow storm. Haiden's lids threatened to drift him away from the last class of the day, becoming heavier as Master Omnelia's words flew over him. The daily nightmares he once had had stopped when he arrived at the Academy, but that one constant tug at the edge of his consciousness always remained, always lingering beyond his reach. A constant reminder that something was missing, forgotten. Luckily, Haiden had something more important to occupy his sleepy mind, or rather, someone.

It had happened four days ago, a day before the End Cycle. Haiden's heart had stopped for a brief second before trying to escape his chest when he saw Tasgal on the ground bleeding. He dashed to his side the moment the event fully registered in his mind. The man that had stabbed Tasgal looked at Haiden with wary eyes, but didn't do anything to stop him, instead he ran away leaving Haiden alone with the wounded man.

Tasgal whimpered in pain as Haiden put his hands near the wound on his bare flesh. He had no time to coax him to relax, his mind was on fire. In panic, Haiden grabbed the blade firmly with one hand and pulled as hard as he could, releasing it from Tasgal's side. He spazzed with pain so intense his scream was stifled by a sharp intake of breath, his glossy summery blues rolled into his head and the wound now gushed blood. Realizing his grave mistake, Haiden cursed his foolishness. He needed to move fast and concentrate on the healing.

Master Rwoy was right, it was more difficult on an adult, it took what seemed like forever to pinpoint what exact cells he needed to imbue with his fios. He never thought he would be grateful for the practice he did on Mara. Yes, the girl suffered, but because of her, Haiden now had the tools to possibly help Tasgal. Pushing the dark thoughts aside, he concentrated on the emergency at hand. Eventually, Haiden jump started the healing process sending a constant flow of energy and the wound stopped bleeding, but by the time he had managed to do so, Tasgal had long passed out from the heavy loss of blood. Tasgal was freezing to the touch. He was dressed in only a pair of leather pants, his torso exposed to the chilly winds of winter. Haiden could not afford to use heat cloak as to not disturb his concentration on the healing. Even with more layers then Tasgal, he too felt the numbing cold. Despite the freezing weather, beads of sweat slid along his face.

Haiden held his spell for Creators know for how long, his hands started to tremble slightly - the first signs of fatigue - before the gravel crunched under two pairs of footsteps. The dirty blonde man who stabbed Tasgal, stood before him accompanied by an older man, with long brown hair pinned tightly to his back and robed in black, just like Master Rwoy. The older man looked confused at Haiden, examining the situation with is warm brown eyes.

"I haven't seen you in my class, before, have I?" the man stated calmly. Haiden just looked at him with wide eyes, exhaustion made visible by the darkened circles under his eyes.

"Not the time for small talk, old man! Aren't you going to help!?" he snapped. With that the man sat down next to him, unshaken by the dying man. He removed Haiden's blood caked hand from the wound and replacing it with his own. Static prickled Haiden's skin and waves of pulsating warmth emanated from the man. Liquid light flowed into the wound like gold, Haiden closed his eyes and saw the radiating flow of fios, it had such intense power yet calm and precise. It sealed the wound shut without even a seam visible. His skin was still bloodied but the old man just wiped it off with a cloth he procured from an inner pocket and the wound was simply gone, as if it was never there. Relief washed over Haiden, but Tasgal remained unconscious.

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