Chapter 28 - part 1

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Back in the shadowy underground of the training pit, Haiden moved slowly, unsure of what had just happened. He was prepared to fight with his all against Danil to take back what was rightfully his, what he had taken away from him, but the man simply gave them back. He couldn't understand the reason behind Danil's actions and what was even more of a mystery to him was why had he done it in the first place.

Slight sensations of familiarity with the darkness began to bloom in his heart. Flashes of the sky, blinding lights and scents flew through his mind. The memories began to unfurl deep in his consciousness. He tried to focus on one particular smell, of field flowers and something warm. That scent that drove him crazy with questions of doubt, a scent that lingered even after his loss of memories. But why? Why was this so important to him? He thought back at Regor as his heart still ached for the loss, Haiden had thought that he was the first to introduce him to this wonderful warm aroma that enveloped him in a tight embrace of calm. He wasn't the first, and he wasn't the last. His mind went to Tasgal as their first meeting the man emanated the scent through every pore of his being, just like Regor, just like...someone else. Someone important that lingered on the very top of his subconsciousness waiting to be revealed now that his memories are back. Haiden contemplated on the thought as he walked mindlessly through the dark winding ways until he servant grabbed his shoulder.

This was the first interaction ever since he came to the Academy in which a servant had touched him. Take a bit aback his head snapped at the man in simple robes, his short dark hair seemed dusted and his skin pale.

"My apologies Wielder, I have been sent to fetch you by the GrandMaster Headmistress Vice." The man began, his head bowed avoiding eye contact at all costs. "The last fight of the Trial of strength must commence immediately. Your opponent is waiting, Wielder."

"Right." Haiden shook away his train of thought. "Take me to the arena,..." He waited for the man to reveal his name but he remained silent. The servant turned around and marched ahead at an alert pace. Haiden broke in a light jog to catch up. The pressure on his mind increased as the memories as a few more pieces revealed themselves to him.

Lock the knowings away! Screech boomed in his mind, urging Haiden to follow Danil's advice. He was certain he felt it too. He must have also felt Haiden's desire to keep them out in the open, to find out what the scent meant, and most importantly who he was. His stomach tightened as wished the answer to the latter would slip up to the surface, but nothing came. With disappointment he envisioned the heavy door behind which he placed everything that Danil gave back and closed it shut.

There. He told Screech, wishing he could've had a bit more time before he had to lock them away.

Focus on the fight. Not want to go back to the other side.

"We won't." Haiden said out loud without realizing.

"I beg your pardon, Wielder?" The servant looked over his shoulder.

"I said I'm ready." Haiden lied. The servant nodded and opened a pair of wooden doors that Haiden didn't notice. Light spilled through, blinding him momentarily then revealing the stone arena in the center of the pit. Bras was already waiting on the other side, visibly unhappy.

The moment Haiden stepped out of the protection of the darkness the crowd began to boo and shout at him curses and vile things that made his skin crawl. Calling him names and for the Creators to strike him down where he was. He tried to push through and ignore them but they were incredibly loud.

Bras waited with an annoyed look on his face as Haiden climbed on the arena and took his spot.

The crowd went silent when the Headmistress raised her hands. She didn't look happy either.

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