Chapter 6 Part 3

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["I'm not a child! I can walk by myself. Let go, brute!" he yanked his arm from Camila and stormed off with her on his trail like a bodyguard.

"He's so snappy," added Maree as they left.]


"What's gotten into you? You're behaving like a madman." Camila said pointing her small and dainty pastry fork towards Haiden, whom for the past week have not been himself. The only traits he maintained were his short-temper and quick tongue which were greatly exacerbated by his jitteriness. He would jump and scare from basically anything sudden and abrupt. Maree was probably the only one enjoying the whole situation; he was having fun at Haiden's expense, planning elaborate schemes driving him deeper into his unbalanced state.

"He's a genius, Camila. He's misunderstood. That's all." Maree added, trying to contain his laughter and miserably failing. He could barely eat his sweet buns without choking.

"I'll misunderstand a force blast right up your - "

"You two, just calm down. Haiden, for the millionth time, there's nothing there! And you,"  she told Haiden while he looked over his shoulder, gaze fixed on the shadow of a lonely bust in the corner. She turned to Maree wagging her finger. "You little baby, stop it right now. You need to behave."

"Yes, mother." Maree said, his grin clearly showing he will do no such thing to which Camila just rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Just tell us what happened in Master Rwoy's class, Haiden. We won't judge." Camila tried to coax the crazy person who kept looking over his shoulder, with his stew untouched.

"Yeah, maybe a 100th time will be the charm. Face it Camilla he's," Maree leaned in and whispered loud enough for Haiden to hear. "Deranged," and pulled back and reverted back to his normal tone. "Clearly a misunderstood genius, he is."

"Should've left your ass to those three halfwits." Haiden said and got up in a rush, his spoon clang on the expensive porcelain and splashed in the stew. "I need to go to the library."

"Again?! But it's the fourth time this week." Maree whined and got up to follow Haiden.

"You don't have to come with me, you know?" He interjected.

"Yes we do, mister. Creators know what trouble you might get yourself into. Master Rwoy tasked us with making sure you stay clear of anyone... with ill intent, let's say." Camilla said after a pause.

"Daddy's boy and his dumb dumbs." Maree added. Camilla palmed her face and quickly scanned the dining hall to see if anyone heard.

"And you wonder why he wants to kill you. Come on, let's go."

They followed Haiden to the library which was located in an isolated part of the castle. It was an entire building inside the mighty white palace with pristine white walls of it's own that glistened even during night time when there was no light, as if they emanated their own. Haiden felt static fizzing off from the walls of the building and came to the conclusion that some spell might have been placed on them to keep the books in the best condition possible, after all, this is where the Academy held their most precious tomes.

On either side, massive statues in the likeness of strange beings, human but not quite, acted as columns supporting the intricately decorated entablature that depicted the same strange beings among humans. It was a scene that left Haiden speechless the first time he saw it. Strange beings helping humans get out of an even stranger oval bed with an overhead canopy made out of a solid material, not textile. Geometric leafless vines circled the bed and flooring. Around them, there were all sorts of creatures, mrons and hamil among many others; some were viscous looking while others looked docile. When asked, the Librarian said that the relief on the entablature was called "Genesis" the brith of the human race. Haiden made sure to always take the view in before going in the building, to etch it into his memory. He could finally match the word Creators to something more than a shapeless abstract concept. The strange beings had very similar features to humans, but had certain characteristics that were most definitely unhuman-like. Their arms and legs were slender and long, giving a lanky appearance, towering over the humans in the relief by almost what looked like to be three feet. Their clothing was fitted, sticking to their skin and defining every muscle and curve, similar to what Master Wielders wear under their black cloak. If one would simply glance at the relief you would not think twice if it was human or not, but once one would pay more attention to the fine details, the marking on their forehead resembling an eye was no mere depiction, but an actual functional organ, their horned head adornments were no strange hats, but part of their morphology, however, the most defining feature would be most definitely their second pair of arms that they kept clasped at their back.

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