Chapter 23 - Part 2

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The sun had fully set and now the green sister lazily watched over, shining her green soft light throughout the Academy grounds. The auditorium was now lit solely by light stones.

"Damn it, Al'maran!" Master Parvel shouted in rage at the man, his voice almost unrecognizable. His deep lovable nostalgic tone that had a hint of something old and ancient was no more, replaced with a vicious snarl that spat acid directly at his fellow teacher.

Haiden saw Master Coner's broad back, his brown hair tied in a neat ponytail. He could see how uncomfortable he was as Parvel sprayed with insults.

Haiden approached the doorway even further, as much as he could, before dropping his cloaking spell, his back against the wall he inched his ear as much as he could, daring not to look beyond the doorway while being visible.

"Calm yourself Kurd, there is no need for such an unsightly display. Lest you want someone overhearing." Master Coner said his voice seemingly unphased. Haiden didn't know what he had missed but Master Parvel was not pleased at all. "The matter remains the same, albeit the product is not exactly a hundred percent, here."

"I see, I see." His tone was laced with sarcasm. Master Coner paused for more than a few minutes. The sound of paper being flipped caught Haiden's ear. ""No! It's not at all the same, you ignoramus! See right here in your very notes it says "Subject is showing a mild rash on the upper left abdominal muscles." Then a few days after it develops a fever! That is a clear sign of rejection! I should never have let you lead this experiment. Do you even realize how important this is?" Master Parvel raised his voice again.

"No," Master Coner's voice was aggravated. "Those are just normal reactions of the transplant, they subside in time leaving the subject healthy."

"You buffoon. Healthy, you say?" Master Parvel scoffed. "Is that why they die on you within the week?"

"I-I don't know- "

"Of course you don't, you're an idiot, Al'maran! Never let an idiot do the work of a professional" He said under his breath.

Haiden wasn't exactly sure what they were talking about but he felt a surge of satisfaction witnessing Master Coner getting chewed up like that. He tried to remain as quiet as possible and slowed down his breathing, concentrating on listening to what the two men had to say. Haiden was certain Master Coner was up to something, but now to think that Master Parvel was in on it. This was bigger than he initially thought.

"Have they been shipped yet?"

"Yes, the other day. They should arrive in Red Kep within the week."

Master Parvel sighed heavily. "If they're still alive by then." The man began to pace back and forth as Haiden heard the hurried steps and mumblings of the man. "You shouldn't have lied, Al'maran. They'll have our heads for this. We needed a few more weeks, a month even! From the looks of it we're really close. Send word by Dreg to the caravan to stop and dispose of the products. I'll assist you from now on to make sure we get this right. I'll personally prepare another shipment of subjects tomorrow. You understand me, boy?" Master Parvel said with great venom in his voice.

"Yes, Kurd. I understand."

"We'll have no time to test, we have to get it right the first time, we need the youngest I can find. Now leave me. I need time to think." Master Parvel shooed his friend away.

Haiden in panic, quickly cloaked himself and remained flat on the wall. He heard the man preparing to leave, gathering some papers. Master Coner passed right by him without even turning in his direction. He stomped down the bending hallways in a foul mood.

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