Chapter 28 - Part 3

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"Your Imperial Majesty! We need to evacuate the premises. The zone has become unstable!" Chester dropped to his knees, his head pressing on the stone floor of the stand, praying to the Creators that Ryel will forgive his insistences.

"Creators... Lester, was it? Relax, Danil's here with us, nothing's going to happen" Ryel dismissed the man.

"But your gra-"

"No buts. Shush now, It's just getting interesting." The emperor flicked the man away without losing focus on the fight, he had no choice but to obey and retreat to the back up with his jaw clenched trying to not say another word.

"You should be nicer to your security officer, your Imperial Majesty, he is responsible for your life." Danil said, his face twitched in a slight smile while trying to keep composure. He concentrated on the shield that marked the zone for those of higher standing. He wasn't surprised by Bras' immense power, that he expected. He had seen the young wielder plenty of times in Red Keep and witnessed first hand where all of the blessing from the entire Imperial Family went. His father wasn't particularly skilled, but Bras, he showed Danil an understanding far greater than his at that age.

The grin on Danil's face was because of the pale kid that stood before him, floating in the middle of a giant gasm that opened at the center of the pit, swallowing anything while at the same time shooting arrows like spikes in every direction. He navigated around the arrows with agility. It was hard to see from all the spikes flying around and hitting the barrier in a spray of stone and shards.

"Creators!" Ryel shouted excitedly. "I haven't had so much fun in years! I think it was that nice night where we hung a few maids that stole some silverware from the palace!"

"I'm glad, your Imperial Majesty." Danil tried to not roll his eyes, but if he was truthful with himself, he too had fun watching the fight. He could not believe his eyes that the child that he taught how to read and write, that could just send away a few sparks here and there, managed to go chest to chest with a monster of a human, both in power and behaviour.

He was ashamed to admit that when he saw Bras' Holy Sword spell he feared for Haiden's life. A Master level spell that he ever saw one person use before at such a level that it darkens the sky, and that was GrandMaster Araya. Creating one measly sword took intense concentration as it applied so many concepts and complicated simultaneous spells that even if one had the capacity to conjure so many, they would certainly lack the mental capacity to create over a dozen. But they were no ordinary blades of energy, Holy Swords encapsulated plasma in a shaped force blast that vibrated at inmensurable speeds cutting through the very bonds that hold motes together. No wielder, Master or GrandMaster would have attempted what Haiden did today, step in front of one. Something you learn the hard way on the battlefield is that you never defend against a Holy Blade. You run. Nevertheless, Haiden through some miraculous spell that Danil could not believe his eyes, the blades simply avoided the young wielder. He awed at how much he had grown. The first time he had heard of Ryel's plans, Danil deemed the man crazy; a slave with the power of a GrandMaster. He too was a strong believer, his whole life was dedicated in servitude of the Creators and what best way to serve the ones who made you but to serve their chosen. The Imperial family. But what Ryel wanted to achieve was nothing short of insane. Even after witnessing the Creators themselves, albeit in a parasitic ancient form, and their unbelievable city, Danil had been rather skeptic of the whole plan.

Only now, seeing with his one two eyes the power that his once charge held. It was that of a GrandMaster, without a doubt. He played with Fios in a way Danil had never seen before in his life. He did not know the spell Haiden used to incapacitate Bras, to him it seemed to be just an overly complicated Far Sight. It had taken every last drop of control not to jump up and down and clap at the incredible display of power. Ryel was right to want this power for his own. He was glad he had followed his heart, he believed that the Creators gave these abilities to Haiden with a reason, and Ryel had no right to take that away from him. If Creators would have wanted Ryel to hold such power he would have been borned with them, not having to steal them from someone as special as Haiden. Danil shook his head, as he now realized that this whole plan followed the requests of a mad-man or even worse, someone or something else must've communed with the Emperor. Someone that wanted to change the fate of this young man that was blessed.

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