Chapter 13 - Part 1

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The rain poured on the red sister's night like blood from an open wound. It's burnt light shone onto the Red Keep making its usual crimson bricks black and muddy. Not one drunken soul littered the streets of the Red City during its usual downpours of Spring, not one creature predatory or otherwise loomed in the streets or forests. And yet, at an hour when even the lowliest of skints did not dare remain in the realm of those woke, Emperor Riyel laid in his bed, tossing, and turning, and whispering insanities to himself in the dark chambers.

"No, no, no, no, no, no..." he repeated. Sweat dripped from his forehead in rivulets. "You said. You said, it be there. But no where. You lied. Deceiver. Now we're looking again. But not there. We found clues." He waited as if someone would reply. "Yes, just as you said, but..... Just as you said. I didn't listen. Yes." he stopped again. "Moved, we don't know. Don't know." Ryel nodded to himself in agreement to whatever it held a grasp over his mental faculties. "You promised. We get the womb and it, and I get the blessing. The blessing. Yes. I know. "he paused and said to himself this time. "I will be a Wielder, most powerful Emperor on E'a." Then back to whatever he was speaking to. "Yes." He pulled the covers away and scuttled fast to the window opening each and every one of them. Rain poured in soaking both the Emperor and the floors. "Wait. Please! Show me more. I need to know more. More clues, more clues, find it faster. Find it quick! For all of us." he said to the open window. This time he waited for a reply that again didn't come but he too had not registered anything and sat in the dark with the windows opened looking out until dawn broke the Red sister's thrall over the night.


The sun is always different when at the coastside. It shines tenfold than in any landlocked town or countryside . Its gentle spring warmth washed over the ocean of Almir lighting it ablaze with soft glints of fire that danced playfully in the distance. The salty air pushed away lazily at the sand on the beach uncovering the black crabs exposing them to watchful dregs that swoop in for their prey. The crabs scuttled every which way to find shelter but they were always too slow for the agile dregs. Near the horizon, humble boats fished away for the local small town of Gar'nik. A quaint and quiet town, with curious townspeople and no Wielder of their own. Their only means of survival was fishery and trade of crafts be it jewelry and even furniture inlaid with the rare Uthum'ah shell. The shell, a favorite decoration of the Emperor, had a lustrous dark green finish that could blind with its iridescence. Although considered an expensive import product, the people of Gar'nik were exploited by the greedy merchants that visited the town, leaving them little to nothing for their beautiful crafts. But someone, they made due.

Then fingered happily a pendant she found in a local shop made from the Uthum'ah shell. It was a duller and more faded shell than the rest but it quickly drew her attention as it was the same pale green as her big eyes. She always was of a petite size and her abnormally large eyes drew unwanted attention to herself. Once she fell in her role of Emperor personal guard they proved to be more of an asset than a reason for her to shy away. It gave her the semblance of a child with the allure of immaturity, which came in hand in different covert and not so covert missions the Emperor had trusted to her in the past. Needless to say she had successfully fulfilled her duty.

"Come on, Then. Stop ogling at that ugly thing." Hat'ri said between breaths. The heavy woman often envied Then for her size, if it were not for Volyk, which was always by her side, Hat'ri would have ripped the smaller woman into two a long time ago.

"Not as ugly as you." Then replied under her breath.

"Now, now, children." Danil, a tall man with dark hair covering his eyes stopped and wagged his finger at them. "Are they always like that?" he turned to Ad'hm.

"Every minute of the day." he laughed. "But rest assured, friend, in battle they're closer than blood." Ad'hm assured the man. "I'm glad to have you in this mission, Danil. It's good to have at least another sane person in the group." he laughed.

COMPLETED Remembrance of Self | Fantasy | LGBTQजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें