Chapter 25 - Part 2

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Haiden and Maree took their place inside the trench at the start line. The others joined shortly along with Tasgal. Haiden tried to ignore his presence and look straight ahead planning his actions along the course, at least the part that was visible for now, but it was more difficult than he thought. Tasgal stopped besides the two young Wielders and greeted them as always with a smile on his face.

"Hey Tas." Maree replied. "Ready to get your ass handed to you?"

"As if. I should remind you that we train for this every day." His smirk sickened Haiden. "Haid, are you alright? You don't look well." Tasgal asked.

"I'm good." He kept it short, turning his attention back at the course ahead. There were many obstacles to go through, walls to climb, pillars to dodge, tall steps to jump and tunnels to go through, all that through water and while being attacked from every which way not only by the Masters but also by the other competitors, including Ashen.

"Alright..." Tasgal felt the tension in Haiden's reply. "I don't believe that one bit. What's the matter with you?"

"He's chickhog shit, scared he'll lose like a little baby." Bras said out of nowhere with a smirk.

"Shut it, Bras!" Maree glared at him. "I'll show you who's scared!" Haiden ignored what the entitled young man said. He wasn't interested in him today.

"Calm down!" Tasgal raised his hands between the two wielders to stop any hell breaking loose before the race even started.

"Looks like you grew a pair of balls, Mar." Bras licked his lips. "Can't wait to tear them right off."

"The only thing that you'll tear off is my first from your face!" Maree tried to push past Tasgal's hand but couldn't.

"Mar, let it go. You'll have plenty of time to knock some sense into him during the Trial." Haiden said calmly. Although on the outside he had a neutral face, on the inside he was burning with rage from both Bras and Tasgal. Even so, he was glad to see him uninjured. But the question: Where did he go? Still rang in his head.

Maree listened to Haiden and retreated, focusing his attention forward on the obstacles. O, Bras backed off too, smiling from ear to ear.

"Don't let it swallow you again, Nobody." He said under his breath.

People began to gather on the sides, cheering and yelling names. He spotted Camila in the right holding Maree's bag with Alva who peaked sneakily through a hole.

What are you going to do? Screech asked, he could feel the curiosity in his presence.

Use everything I got to get the upper hand and finish this as fast as I can. I'm starving.

No! About the big idiot!

Oh. I don't know. Haiden answered truthfully. An unsettling feeling crept within him. He didn't know what to think now that Tasgal was here, unharmed, not one bruise. It meant that there was another reason for why he was not in his room last night, and it ate at Haiden for not knowing why. So many other potential scenarios flashed through his mind, but this time, instead of worry, it brought jealousy and ire. What else could he be doing so late at night? And with whom? Why risk it with Haiden if he had someone else? Soon inadequacy bloomed within chipping at his resolve.

Just forget about him now. He finally said, taking a deep breath and slapped his cheeks to wake himself up. We got a trial to win.

"Haide- " Tasgal began but was quickly interrupted by the Headmistress clearing her throat.

"I have only one piece of advice to give you, that you should commit to heart once the Trial begins. Ruthless attacks will be coming your way from both Masters and your fellow competitors. Always watch your back." She emphasized each word to make sure they understood. She looked down at both Ashen and Wielders and saw the nodding. "Good!" She said satisfied. "Get ready!" she boomed and everyone shuffled in place.

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