Chapter 19 - Heartaches & Early Revelations

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Lucas's POV

Walking in a dark forest for about half an hour would never be what humans think to be normal. Luckily though, Chase and I weren't completely human.

Except for Scott of course but he wanted to come with us.

"Guys, we've been walking for a while now. Have either of you not caught its scent yet??"

"No." Chase answered. "I don't get it. We should've at least caught its scent by now."

"I've been thinking the same thing." I said. "And I'm starting to think that this thing may have the ability to mask its scent."

"You mean like your dad??" He asked to which I answered with a nod.

"Well if that's the case then maybe we should head back home. We haven't seen any of its tracks and I doubt we ever will tonight." Letting out a sigh, I knew that Chase was stating a very good point. We should probably head back before any of the adults realizes that we're gone.

"Yeah, we should probably head back." I said.

Turning around, I expected to see Scott behind us with his but was a bit surprised to see that he wasn't there.

"Where's Scott??" I asked.

"Huh?? He's right behind..." Chase tried to say but stopped when he turned to see that he wasn't there. "Us."

"Scott!!" Now I know that calling out with that thing out there is not a good call, but we had to find Scott as soon as possible. "Scott where are you?!?!"

Waiting for a reply, we noticed that his scent was still strong which only meant that he couldn't have gone far. I was about to try calling for him again when.

"Guys!!! You gotta come here now!!" Came Scott's voice from nearby. And I swore I heard a bit of worry in the tone he had used.

As Chase and I quickly went to where he was, we saw him standing over something which we found out was a dead deer.

"What do you think happened to this guy??" Scott asked when he felt saw walking up.

"A predator maybe. A wolf?? Real ones to be exact." Chase suggested.

"It's too close to the community but, maybe." I responded.

"Yeah?? Well I don't think so." Looking over to Scott, I gave him a skeptical look as to what he had meant but all he did was gesture towards a certain direction. "I wanna show you guys something else."

He lead us through some bushes and to pur shock, my eyes widened as we walked out into a total massacre.

I don't even know how many dead deers were lying lifeless on the ground right in front of us. It seemed like it was a whole heard.

The wind was blowing the opposite was as to where we were so it explained as to why we didn't even catch the scent of all the blood.

"Still think it was wolves??" Scott asked while Chase and I gazed at the carnage. And honestly...

The scene in front of us only reminded me of what we had found inside Jace's home.

"Why the hell would it even need to kill this many??" Chase mumbled out.

"My guess is that it was really hungry." Scott responded beside us.

"This couldn't have been just done out of hunger." He replied before looking over to me. "Could it??"

"I don't know. But now I think we should get out of here incase it decides that it wants dessert."

"Now I think that would be wise." The three of us jumped at the sudden voice and we immediately went to stand defensively as we scanned for where the voice had come from.

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