Chapter 27 - The Hunt Continues

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Lucas's POV

After looking around Lykos forest and the woods nearby Francis's house, we all met up in the town by pass noon at a local cafe where we usually hang at along with Ellie and Aaron.

"You know guys, I knew that trying to look for Francis would be a challenge but right now I'm thinking that it's just impossible." Scott said to us with a sigh.

"Yeah. And so far we didn't find anything new." Xavier added before loud laughs from a nearby table caught our attention. "Maybe we're trying to look for him in a wrong way."

"What do you mean??" Asked Chase.

"Scott's right. Timberland is a big place and there's just so much places Francis could have been taken." My brother explained.

"Right. But I think we can cross out the possibility of him being taken by the capital though." I said. "When Scott and I were looking around Lykos a while ago, we ran into some of the patrol and learned that they've recently been attacked in some way by the hunters. They didn't even say anything about a captured human teen."

"So right now we can say that the wendigo is the only possible suspect then." Xavier stated.

"Well there's still the possibility that it could have been another supernatural." Chase pointed. "Mr. Anderson said that the nemeton can attract supernaturals right?? Maybe another arrived in town."

"If one did, why would it take a human teen then??" My brother questioned him.

As the two started saying their reasons to one another, I noticed that Scott was a bit uncharacteristically quiet. I also noticed this before we left school today and it made me wonder just what he was thinking about.

"You okay dude??" He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard me and gave me a look of unsureness.

"Yeah, uhh.. I was just thinking about something." He responded. By now, Xavier and Chase were already quieting down from their conversation.

"And what is this something that you're thinking about exactly??"

Scott stayed silent for a few seconds after my brother asked him. But it wasn't long till he finally made up his mind.

"I was just thinking. We either think that the wendigo took Francis, or some other  supernatural creature did right??" He started with a question which I nodded at.

"Well, what if we're wrong about that??"

"Wrong about what?? Are you saying that he was literally kidnapped by other humans??" I asked.

"No. What I'm saying is that he wasn't kidnapped at all." Scott finally said. But it just made us wonder what he was saying though.

"If he wasn't taken, then where is he then??"

As Scott leaned more into the table, he had a calculating look on his face. You could literally see the gears turning inside of his head.

"When Bella and I went to his house, the kitchen was wrecked. And we saw barely visible claw marks on the floor and puncture marks on the door of the kitchen that led outside." He explained.

"Yeah. And you said that Bella didn't catch any other scents inside of the house but human ones. That's why we suspected that the wendigo took him." Chase pointed out.

"Right. I'm thinking that it really was a wendigo." Confused looks formed on our faces when Scott said that.

"I'm confused. You just said that Francis wasn't taken by any supernatural." I pointed out with a slightly scrunched up face.

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