Chapter 52 - A Good Night

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Scott's POV

Closing my locker casually, I quickly pulled my right hand back. Groaning when I felt the aching pain upon forgetting the fact that I shouldn't be using that hand for now.

Which was kinda funny since how could I have forgotten when I was already wearing a hand splint.

"Dude." I heard someone call nearby and saw Lucas slowly walking up. Giving my hand splint a questioning look when he saw. "What happened to your hand??"

"I uhh... tripped outside house yesterday when I was headed in. Landed on it funny." I told him. Fixing my bag strap on my other shoulder before looking to see the expression on his face that said that he didn't believe me.

"Uh-huh. So you're telling me that the reason that your right hand's wearing a splint right now isn't because of the fact it was almost crushed yesterday my Bella during lunch time??" He pointed out. Looking at me knowingly which just made me give out a long sigh on knowing that I couldn't lie to him.

"Fine. I admit that she might've squeezed my hand a little too much yesterday. But really, it's cool. It isn't the first time I had to wear a splint." I said.

"What do you mean??" I stared at him for a moment before looking away as a students passed us by while I tried to think of what to say.

"Nothing. Forget about it." I soon told him before releasing a breath. "C'mon. You and I should get to class??"

He looked like he still wanted to ask me something but decided against it as he slowly nodded his head before following me as we started making our way towards our classroom.

"How's she doing??" I asked. And quietly asked another question after making sure that nobody near us was listening. "And her...pack??"

"She's...fine I guess." He answered me with slight uncertainty.

"What do you mean by I guess??" I asked him before an unwanted thought came to mind. "Are her parents..."

"No. No, her parents are fine but... I can't really say the same for her pack."

"Do you guys know who attacked??" Shaking his head, he gave me a shrug as we passed by Maxwell and a couple of his friends as they picked on another poor student.

"Rogues from what I heard." He said. "But from what I managed to get from other pack members, there were far more stronger supernaturals involved. I think dad might have some ideas on who planned it all but he wasn't telling me anything when I tried asking him."

"Well he may have his reasons for not telling you yet." I pointed out. "But another important thing that I wanted to ask you is that of the possibility that whoever attacked Bella's pack could be coming here next."

"We don't know yet. But I'm sure that mom and dad would deal with it. And besides. I'm also sure that the werewolf council won't just ignore this. Cause other that the attack on Silver Moon, one of the packs that's under their rule, exposing the supernatural world to humans would be the last thing that they'd want happening. So they must be trying to think of something that will stop whoever planned the attack." He explained to me which brought me some comfort in knowing that Timberland wouldn't really be on its own if an attack does happen.

"Well that's a relief. Cause honestly I wouldn't want that one night there'd be a werewolf knocking on my door singing little humans, little humans let me in."

"Let me guess. You're gonna answer not by the hair of your chiny chin chin." He mused at me but I just then went into giving him a blank stare.

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