Chapter 83 - The Witch's Call

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3rd person's POV

The sounds of rusted door hinges creaking as they opened. The light that came from inside could be seen, only to be blocked as three figures made their way outside of the rundown cabin.

"Well it seems that everything is going smoothly the least. Though I need to remind you to move carefully. Cause aside from Jayden, there are also the hunters. We must not be disrupted from what we need to do before the ritual begins." Elise went to say as they stopped in the front of the cabin.

"They know what they must and mustn't do. For now the hunters have their eyes on the packs as well as Jayden's group. We're safe." Carlos explained, and Elise gave him an amused nod.

"That's good. Well you all know what to do. Once everything's ready, I'll come back and start the ritual." She said.

"Are you sure that everything's going to work??" Elise paused at Jason's question. Turning towards him before a smile slowly appeared on her face.

"Of-course. The ritual will work as long as the specific requirements are met. That, which is your responsibility Jason." She said. "With that in mind, I heard what had happened between you and your..... Mate. I really do hope that it doesn't affect our plans."

"It won't. I never once cared for my sorry excuse of a mate. It was a mistake that we were even paired in the first place." He replied. A bit of apprehension in his voice as he spoke.

"That's good then. Just keep in mind Jason. That once we succeed with this ritual, everything that you have desired, everything that you had ever wanted shall be yours." Elise urged. Enticing him with her words before turning to leave.

"You have always failed at getting what you had wanted Jason." She added. Turning back to face him. "Perhaps now's your time in finally succeeding."

And with that, with a single wave of her hand, darkness started to swirl around her. Completely wrapping itself around her before she disappeared without a single trace.

"No matter how the situation is, I still don't trust that witch." Carlos said as he and Jason still stood where they were. "She helped Jayden in killing her own son. Why change now after all this time??"

"I don't know. I also don't trust her but right now she could be the only shot we have in beating those packs." Jason said.

"But still. She's far too vague at telling us about the ritual she's gonna be doing. Not telling us anything aside from the things we need to do for it to happen."

"That's why we need to keep an eye on her. For now, let's do what needs to be done." He said.

"Should we make our move tonight??"

"No. After our attacks they're most likely on high alert so let's just stay quiet for now. Instead, I'm gonna go visit our... Other friends." Jason said. An almost sly smile on his face as he said this. "I'm going alone. Make sure to look after things here while I'm gone."

Nodding his head, Carlos watched as Jason left. Probably going back to his cabin before going to his supposed meeting.

Turning back, he looked at the spot where the witch had stood a few minutes ago. He didn't know why, but the vampire just didn't like the whole idea of having her with them.

He reasoned to himself that it was because of the past war that they had both fought all those years ago but he just couldn't help the feeling that something wasn't right.

Though he knew that he couldn't do anything for now. Not when things seem to be going on their favour as the current war is slowly escalating.

All he can do for now, is just hope that they don't regret trusting the slane vampire lord's mother.

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