*Dabi followed after Shoto, his wings folding against him. As he shoved his hands into his pockets, his legs stopped. Curiously, he pulled out the small test tube. The one he had asked Tomura about keeping.* "Huh." *He muttered, his voice being enough to make Shoto stop in place.*

"What is it?" His eyes went to see the small test tube with the pastel pink mixture and pink flowers, but the flowers had less color than the mixture around them. He turned to him "What's this?" he asked now incredibly curious on why Dabi would carry something like that around with him.

"It was something I was going to give to Fuyumi. You remember how she's obsessed with the sense that magic is still alive today and how she believe in alchemists?" *He turned the test tube in his hand.* "I wanted to give her this. Just to prove that they are real."

"I mean we literally lived with two for a day, that should be prove enough, now what shall we do to get rid of the human smell?" He asked but silently agreed with Dabi 'Fumi likes everything that has to do with magic and other supernatural stuff like that, she'll love the gift.'

*Dabi sighed.* "You actually think I'm going back?" *He chuckled.* "Look, I'm only going as far as the borders. Just so I can make sure you get there safe." *Dabi them slid the object into his pocket once again.* "But yeah, let's head into the forest so you can clear the scent." *With that being said, Dabi shifted into his dragon form and flew off.*

Shoto expected such a response after all that has been told about father to him so he can't blame him. Soft smoke came out of his body as he was now in dragon form to. He jumped up from the ground with spread wings to follow Dabi. He flew high up to him so that they were next to each other but don't bother each other while flying. "Is there anything else I should know before going back to hell?" he asked half joking half being dead serious.

"Um." *Dabi thought in silence for a moment.* "Don't mention Mom. Nor Tomura and his master. If Enji asks, just say you were captured and escaped. Keep your trust down to our siblings. Don't be naive. And...don't be like me."

Shoto would have given him a sly smirk but he couldn't. "Understandable...what will you do? You can't run around the woods forever..even if I can imagine you living in a squirrel hole and eating insects for the rest of your life just to spite father."

"Hey!" *Dabi shot a glare at his brother.* "I wouldn't stoop THAT low!" *He looked ahead again.* "And, like I said, I'll visit the kingdoms that feel threatened by Enji. Create an army that will hopefully put a stop to him. Then mend borders with humans. Maybe." *His voice started to lower to a mumble.* -It'll take years to even get that far. I'll have to do it alone, so plan it perfectly first.-

Shoto looked at him "What about Tomura? I thought you two were close?" He flew higher over the clouds letting the sun warm him up

*Dabi remained silent for a good period of time. Eventually, he spoke up.* "What about him? So what if we're close? He's helping his master now. That's been his dream ever since he was a child; to become as great as her. He'd be better off just..." *Dabi's voice trailed off. He didn't want to even imagine the thought of Tomura forgetting about him. That would sting worth the a spear wound. But, maybe it would be for the best. If Tomura continued his work alone. The dragon then shook his head.* -I promised him we'd meet again. I won't give up on him so easily. All of this would be for nothing then!-

"I see.." Shoto went just above the clouds. Then there was silence, not like he minded it. It was just. He hasn't seen his brother for so long and now would be the chance to talk about literally anything. Just his mind found no interesting topic to talk about until "How do you even plan to go to the other kingdom's and build an army. I am sure they wouldn't be happy if Enji's first born son suddenly showed up on their doorstep."

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