Tomura was the first one to wake up the next morning. And that's only because the infant wings started to hurt again. This time he let out an annoyed breath as he teleported out of Dabi's embrace to look what's up with that shit now. He got the box next to him and aligned the mirror so that he could see his own back. He felt a bit disgusted and disgusting as he saw the dried up blood, skin parts and that pathetic bulge which had destroyed his skin. The man gave a sigh. "God damnit." He cursed as he put the mirror back in the box. 'I'll let Dabi fix that.' he thought as he teleported into the bathroom to get himself washed and ready to leave the hellhole.

*The half-breed was still dead asleep when Tomura came out of the bathroom a few minutes later. Except now he was holding Tomura's pillow close to him, his face buried into it.*

The man thought is was so cute to see the other do this. He did not dare to interfere as he went into his closet to get dressed into something practical. Dabi still had time. Tomura had to change and pack his bag too and a chest to hide somewhere with important stuff. The man decided on simple black pants with a belt with extra pockets and a silvery knife with that. The familiar green coat which brought back dozens of memories and a white button up and simple black corset. He did not wear them now but laid them on a stool for after Dabi fixed his back up. Now the man was packing his backpack with useful stuff and the pockets with medication and all that.

*After Tomura had packed his bag and made sure he had everything he thought they would need, he decided to wake Dabi. Carefully, he nudged the taller man's shoulder, earning a soft groan from the other.*

"Dabi~" the man purred into his ear. "Wake up Dabi~" he slightly shock the other's shoulder as he continued purring the other's name.

*Dabi whined softly and rubbed his eyes.* "I'm up..." *He murmured through a yawn.* "I'm up, Tomura..."

The man kissed his cheek. "Good, when you're fully up can you take care of this problem." He turned to show the other his back while he teleported some cleaning supplies and bandage next to him, just in case it is needed.

*The ravenette sat up and nodded. He looked at Tomura's back and hissed softly.* "Does that not hurt?" *He asked as he traced around the left bulge.*

"It hurts. Why do you think I woke up that god-damn early." He let out a groan as a vibrating pain went up his spine as the man touched the bulge on accident.

"Sorry." *Dabi muttered as he pulled the smaller albino into his lap. He dug through the medical stuff before picking up some numbing gel and carefully applying it to the torn skin. Every time Tomura would flinch or hiss, Dabi apologized.*

The alchemist wanted to tell the other that he didn't need to apologize, but every time he tried another wave of pain hit him. As the man was finished at last the man groaned "You didn't need to apologize that much." He he turned and the connected their lips.

*Dabi cupped the other's cheek as he kissed him softly. When Tomura asked for it, Dabi allowed him entrance. The two fought for dominance for a good minute or two before the ravenette allowed the alchemist to take control.*

The albino positioned himself on the other's lap as he tilted his head by slightly pulling the other's black spiky hair. He went all in for this kiss exploring every single corner of the other's mouth. Until his oxygen got short and he parted their lips panting but staying close together. "I love you~"

*Dabi smiled softly as he planted a little bit as well.* "I love you more, Tomura~"

The other gave a huff "I will always love you more than you could ever love me." He gave a grin.

"Mmm. How about no?" *Dabi snickered teasingly.*

The other taunted "Come on Dabi~ you're so mean right now." He brushed the other's hair fixing it for him.

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora