Tomura blood boiled with anger. 'Tch, fucking bird boy." He could only guess that this was the basement, dungeon or just an underground jail of the palace. How else would the man with wings be there. "M-mirror down." he stuttered due to the anger as he stormed out of his room. 'They are soo over if they even lay a finger on him!'

Akira walked a bit behind the other's inspecting the underground jail system or whatever it was. 'Ugh great...' she huffed annoyed as she almost stepped into a puddle of dirty water. The woman looked in a horrible condition. An unhealthy grey light skin with dark eye bags as well as reddish eyes with a pipe out of her mouth smoking some drugs. Her smaragdine eyes were half closed and empty as she followed the other. 'Why am I still putting up with their bullshit...' she gave an angry sigh 'And they still haven't fulfilled their part of the contract!...' she smoked more of the intoxicating smoke in trying to calm herself down and think or perhaps forget.

*The woman named Zatsu took a glance at Akira. Sorrow lingered around her as well as annoyance. She tapped her foot carefully, grabbing the woman's attention.* "Stay calm, Miss Akira. You'll be free as soon as you answer His Majesty's questions." *She explained in a soft yet monotonous voice.*

The woman gave an annoyed groan "Don't touch me!" she smacked her hand away from her shoulder giving her a death glare. That woman would have been dead if looks could kill. The alchemist growled "Let's get this over with..." she ignited a small neon green flame to reignite her pipe.

Tomura hadn't noticed it but his appearance had changed. As well as his clothes. He was now walking in higher heeled boots black around. The guards and maids instantly avoided him or pressed themselves against the wall when the dark cold aura approached. 'I'll kill them!' His slit pupils looked around fast as he opened a door just hoping it would lead down. 'I'll tear this place apart Dabi, don't worry we're coming!' he made a sharp turn on his heel.

*The secs on alchemist (Zatsu was Rei, the Todoroki children's mother's, apprentice. Enji had offered to keep her on the palace as long as she served him as his own personal guard) gave a short nod and continued on her way. She knew she could explode Akira in one blow if she had wanted to, but, with her king here, all rash movements were prohibited. Instead, she turned her gaze to Keigo. Zatsu had never seen him limp before, so she figured something must have happened. However, she'd have to wait until afterwards to ask.*

The woman continued following the others, noticing too that the man with red feather wings was limping. As they reached a door they all stopped. "We're here." the purple haired woman spoke. 'Fucking bitch' Akira rolled her eyes just throwing insults around. But then she noticed a faint pressure on her which was gone in the split of a second. She would be joking if she said she had no clue whose presence that was. 'Shits will get interesting.' she pulled the pipe out of her mouth to breath in some air which was not better than her smoke. 'Let's see how close to death I get this time.' she gave a nod showing that they could continue.

Tomura finally found a door which lead downwards. He had been stopped by two guards who were now on the wall impaled like some annoying bugs with his black spikes. Blood was running down the wall and formed puddles under them. Some cold humid air hit his face but he didn't care as he went down the stone stairs now hiding his presence and foot steps.

*Zatsu bowed and motioned with her staffs for Akira to follow Enji and Keigo, Keigo in the front and Enji behind him. As Akira walked in, another sense of alchemy washed over Zatsu. She narrowed her eyes and waved her staff in a sort of circle. Glyphs appeared in the circle, most of them in Aponia's writing. The cat's, also know as a palisman to the woman, shot open with a blinding light. The door the three went into disappeared as well as Zatsu.*

Akira inspected their moves but did nothing, she had no plan that even had an acceptable rate of survival for her. So she just let Zatsu teleport them all away. 'I'm who am I sorry...I of them...' A small thought slipped into her mind...'Alright...Tomura please find the book.' she teleported a small key in a puddle near her, thankfully they were already teleported away so no one noticed. She sighed closing her eyes, just waiting for the interrogation to start.

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