*Dabi watched his mate struggle for a good ten minutes before the mess of pillows and blankets seemed to all be drawn to Tomura. Everything except for what Dabi was sitting on was tied around the alchemist. The dragon heard the alchemist muttered something that was drown out by soft sniffles. Sighing, Dabi crawled over and pulled the heap away from the edge of the bed and carefully started to shed him of the blankets until there was only two left and they were laid delicately over the albino alchemist's shoulders. Dabi smiled softly and brushed the hair out of Tomura's face gingerly.* "Hello, Beautiful."

His mate gave a huff, "I didn't need your help, I had everything under control!!"

*Dabi snickered and brushed away the small, frustrated tears.* "Uh-huh. Sure ya did."

The man pouted as he then crawled closer to the man and crawled into his lap, giving a soft "Asshole." from him as he cuddled onto the warm man. His wings were now limp as he laid his head on the other's shoulder, trying not to hurt him with the multiple branches of his horns.

*The half-breed sighed softly and rubbed his mate's back, massaging in between his wings.* "Call me whatever you want, Love." *Dabi smirked and kissed Tomura's forehead.* "It won't ever keep me from loving you~"

Tomura rolled his eyes, "We'll see about that..." before he snuggled into the man's chest and brought his own body closer to his lover's. "Stupid." he muffled.

*Dabi stroked his mate's head, combing his fingers through his hair softly. He smiled softly.* "My treasure..."

"Stop it!" Tomura muttered giving Dabi an annoyed look but obviously leaning into the touch.

*The ravenette looked at him and smirked slightly.* "Awww~ But you seem to be enjoying it!"

The man rolled his eyes. "No I am not!" he disagreed but brought his stomach closer to the other.

"Whatever you say, my king~" *Dabi cooed as he nuzzled Tomura's cheek. He then planted soft kisses along his neck, jawline, and face.*

He blushed as he felt Dabi gently kiss his neck. He looked away giving a pout. "This is not the way you should treat a king," he stated.

*Dabi hummed against his mate's skin.* "Really? Then how should I treat one?" *He asked with an obvious tease in his voice, curious about what Tomura would come up with.*

The man gave a grin as he rolled away from his mate and sat up. "You should treat a king like a god and protect and care for him." He sank into one of the pillows. "You should bring me what I want and do as I please." he gave him a side look.

*Dabi smirked and rolled his eyes before sliding off the bed and bowing on one knee in a knightly style.* "Of course. And what is his majesty's request?"

Tomura gave an amused but satisfied look. "Bring me my sweet tray from the shelf and then.." He brought one of his legs up. "I want a leg massage."

*The dragon, obediently, stood up and walked over to the cabinet. He picked up the tray and carried it back to Tomura. After carefully setting the metal tray beside his mate, the dragon crawled onto the bed and gently massaged the alchemist's leg.*

The man gave a groan as he spoke, "Mhm, you're such a good peasant~"

*Dabi chuckled softly.* "I'm pleased to hear that~"

As the dragon continued Tomura ate a few strawberry cookies Izuku made 3 days ago. He loved the whole pieces they had. As he looked down to the other he took the last one and held it up. "Come here Dabi. Your king will now give you a reward for being such a good peasant."

*The ravenette looked up at him and tilted his head slightly before crawling over and sitting beside him.* "Yes?"

Tomura took the pastry in-between his lips as he then took Dabi's chin and moved it towards him feeding him the strawberry cookie while giving him a soft kiss.

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Where stories live. Discover now