TW: Verbal abuse in form of insulting and humiliation, mistreatment 

"Mhm, happy for" she looked at the woman now. "How's she?" She gave a shit eating grin.

*Villa gave her a weird look.* "Why on earth would I tell you? That's none of your business." *The alchemist turned her head away.* "Get your own."

"Mhm...I already have my own slut." She played with the now half empty bottle.

"Oh really now?" *The alchemist snickered.* "And who would have the time and patience for you?"

"Let's just say, someone desperate who's been locked away from reality for some time." She turned her head slightly towards the corner.

*Villa tilted her head and looked at Zatsu. She wrinkled her nose is disgust.* "The palace girl?" *She whispered as she turned to the other alchemist beside her.*

"I prefer the term my sex toy, but yeah. She's fun and can take it." She looked at Zatsu who was petting the dog. "And she can beg, I'll tell you that."

*The alchemist huffed as she turned back to what she was doing.* "I'm surprised you haven't killed her yet. Or just dropped her off somewhere. Even if you're just using her, she is with the dragons. That's already bad enough."

"Eh." She waved her hand. "The king's dead, just like the queen. Asshole deserved it." She took a sip from her drink.

"Well still. That doesn't just magically erase what they did to everyone."

"Meh, people live too short to remember." She downed the rest of the bottle. As she them put it on the table.

"Okay. Well then, next question: how come that...thing is following you?" *She motioned to Zatsu. Of course, she didn't want to call her by her name. That was possibly because she had betrayed the alchemists and worked for the dragons instead.* "I mean, she looks like a lost, desperate puppy."

"In some kind of way she is my lost and desperate puppy. She does as I say if I say beg she begs  if I say lay down she does and so on. She's a fun way to waste time, I don't need to go to bars anymore and all that small talk shit, I go in, slam her in the mattress and she lets me do with her as I please. In the end I leave. As simple as that."

"Well, again, if she's just a random Whore, why bring her places? Or, if I may ask, why stay in the kingdom? Your house is still available. You can just move back in and come fuck the Whore whenever you feel like it."

"I just might, now that I have free time on my hands. And well, let's just say that I got the free slut was all thanks to my stubborn apprentice." He gave a grin as she looked where Zatsu sat.

*The alchemist in the corner didn't look back at her. She had a hurt look in her eyes but a stone cold face. However, she kept her gaze away from the two of them as she listened to them just bluntly insult her.*

"Tomura?" *Villa tilted his head.* "Huh." -Did he use her as well?-

"Let's just say, he played with fire and it backfired. He got himself into trouble, if I had to put it in my words. Huge trouble." She grinned as she gave a hum. 

"Right." *Villa nodded.*

The alchemist gave a groan. "Well, now he's not my problem anymore." She simply stated as her head turned to Zatsu "Now I have more time to fuck my slut in every corner of the underground chamber~"

*Villa gave a nod to the woman's idea.* "True."

Akira gave a small nod. "So do you know what happened after I disappeared? Where are the others and what will we do since the council is now out of our way."

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