Tomura woke up the next morning as a ray of sunshine decided to be a bitch and shine right through the curtains in his eyes. He gave a whine as he tried toe move backwards for the x-time trying to get away. There was just one problem, Dabi who hadn't noticed a thing due to Tomura always using alchemy was already hanging half off the edge. 'Little bitch...' Tomura moved back but Dabi fell down the bed taking a yelping Tomura with him who tried to grab onto the sheets, but missed.

*The dragon groaned in pain as he made a harsh encounter with the ground below. He laid there for a few minutes, just staring at the ceiling, as he tried to comprehend what the fuck just happened.*

Tomura had had a little bit softer landing due to him landing on Dabi. He gave a groan after a few moments. "God damnit..." He turned his head to see a Dabi staring at the ceiling with no life in his eyes, just pure shock. "Sorry Dabs...." The man slid off his chest and placed his head on it now staring at him bored. Tomura muttered as he traced shapes in his chest waiting for the man to come back.

*Dabi groaned and rubbed his eyes.* "It's fine." *He sighed softly as he shifted his gaze to Tomura.*

The man gave a small smile as he leaned over and kissed the man. After the sweet kiss he gave a "Good morning love~" as his forehead leaned against Dabi's.

"Good morning, Tomu~" *Dabi chuckled as he cupped his mate's cheek.* "Did you sleep well, My Love?"

"I did, before we literally fell out of bed." He gave a small smile as he melted into the man's touch "I also ate the other brownie." He added quickly.

*The dragon snickered softly.* "Guess we'll have to restock on snacks, won't we?" *He spoke in a teasing tone as he sat up a little bit to plant a soft kiss on his cheek.*

"Yeah, we love snacks." The man whispered as he helped him sit up and now cuddled into his side. Taking in the man's familiar scent made him feel calm as he kissed his lips for a second or two.

*Dabi hummed softly as his mate cuddled into his side. He was grateful that they could have mornings like this. It was nice for Dabi; knowing that his mate could relax so easily with him around. He didn't want him to ever feel overwhelmed.*

Tomura placed his head on the other's shoulder as he gave a soft smile. "Today will be rather busy..." He whispered as his hand subconsciously went to his stomach. It just laid on the bare bulge.

*The dragon gave a soft huff of agreement. He planted a soft kiss on his lover's head before nuzzling his cheek playfully.*

The alchemist gave a hum and then a small giggle as he looked at his mate happily. "D-Dabi" he giggled as he turned his head towards him now nuzzling their noses against each other.

*Dabi snickered softly.* "You're so cute, Tomura."

He gave a smile as he kissed his lips softly. "I love you Dabi~" he purred as he scooted closer hugging the man. "But we have to start getting ready if we want to make this as stress-free as possible." he closed his eyes as one of his hands now caressed his cheek.

*The dragon huffed as he nuzzled his mate.* "I know." *He kissed Tomura's head softly.*

"Mhm~ then we should start with getting up." he whispered as he kissed his lips gently.

*Dabi groaned softly and melted into the kiss.*

Tomura disconnected their lips soon. "Get up." he ordered whispering.

*The dragon sighed and stood up, taking his mate with him. He placed Tomura on the bed gently, ruffling his hair.*

"Thank you love~" he mumbled as he took the man's hand to kiss it.

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