Chapter 19: Purifying Spirit Academy, what a handsome guy!

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Chapter 19: Purifying Spirit Academy, what a handsome guy!

Yu Huang was going to take the test tomorrow, and Yu Donghai urged her to go to sleep quickly. "Rest early tonight. You can only perform well tomorrow if you rest well."

"Daddy, sleep early too."

It was impossible for Yu Donghai to sleep early. He had to prepare the alms bowl and chicken ingredients that he needed for tomorrow. The busy pace of life was the norm for Yu Donghai. As Yu Huang listened to the commotion caused by Yu Donghai in the living room, she gradually fell asleep.

The next morning, just as Yu Huang walked out of her room, she was pulled to the dining table by Yu Donghai. He had slept late last night, but this morning, he was full of energy and had a smile on his face.

Yu Donghai passed the three joss sticks to Yu Huang and said, "Come. Before we set off, let's pay our respects to Master Sheng together."

Yu Huang said, "Who?" She was confused.

"Master Sheng! The number one genius of the Sheng Clan, Master Sheng Xiao! Didn't we meet at the restaurant last time?" Yu Donghai lit the incense as he said to her, "You don't know about this, right? Among us commoners, Master Sheng is a legend. Before the children participate in the Awakening Ceremony, they must pay their respects to Master Sheng."

"Come, kowtow three times to Master Sheng." He also reminded Yu Huang, "You must be sincere. Only when you are sincere will it work."

Yu Huang was so shocked that she could not speak. She stared at the little girl that Yu Donghai had created with his glutinous rice balls. She could not associate this white glutinous rice ball with Sheng Xiao.

"Why are you in a daze? Hurry up and pay your respects!" Seeing Yu Huang's dazed expression, Yu Donghai pressed down on her head and respectfully bowed three times to Master Sheng.

The Purifying Spirit Academy was quite far away, so Yu Huang and the others had to gather at the school's entrance before taking the school bus to the academy.

There was no time to make breakfast. Yu Donghai placed the glutinous rice ball into a plastic bag and stuffed it into Yu Huang's arms. He reminded her, "This is a steamed glutinous rice ball. Time is a bit tight, so let's eat this this morning."

Yu Huang, a strange expression on her face, held the tiny glutinous rice ball in her hands. They were eating Master Sheng, who she had just sincerely paid her respects to, in the blink of an eye?

Would Master Sheng blame them if he found out?

Sitting on the tricycle, Yu Huang had a strange look on her face as she took a bite of Master Sheng. Needless to say, the taste was soft and had a bit of sweetness to it. It was quite delicious. Yu Huang took one bite after another and very quickly finished the glutinous rice balls.

After Yu Donghai placed Yu Huang at the gathering point, he drove his tricycle away to do business.

Yong Hui High School had prepared a double-storey electric bus for Yu Huang and the rest. Each class had one car, and each grade had twelve classes. Yong Hui High School had a total of 36 cars.

Yu Huang and Anna Tao sat together. Li Shi got into the car and counted the number of people. After confirming that everyone was there, he walked to the empty seat behind the driver and sat down while waiting for the bus to arrive.

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