Nice Chat

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~(Y/N)'s POV~ 

You would think that after being kidnapped, I would wake up in like...a cell or something. But nope, I woke up in a bed. I freaked out a bit before realizing I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I got up and saw a note taped to the door. 

"Dear Human, hey. Sorry that those 2 dumb fucks kidnapped you. We'll put you back when Boss gets back from his trip. There's fresh clothes in the top dresser drawer. Try not to freak out, Dust has a hangover. Sincerely, Horror (the one with the hole in his head)"

I reread the note twice, eventually deciding that I was too hungry to be smart. I put the clothes on, a hoodie and some basketball shorts. I folded up my old ones and set them on the bed after making it. Normally, I was a bit of a slob, but I had to be nicer to my kidnappers, I guess. I don't know, man. I twisted the knob and exited the room, seeing a long, dark hall lit by candles. I heard voices coming from my right, so I decided to follow it.

I soon entered a room that was lit with a couple of floor lamps and a tv. A hooded figured laid on the couch, a glass of water on the end table by him. The figure shifted his head up before looking back at the tv. "Hey, human. Sorry about the whole kidnapping thing. Name's Dust, nice to meet you," the guy said, his voice raspy and hushed. Heading the warning from Horror, I kept my voice down. "My name's (Y/N), nice to meet you, too, Dust. Where's the kitchen?" 

Dust chuckled quietly and turned to face me again. His hood cast a dark shadow so I couldn't see his face. "It's through the dining room to your right. It's the bright room. Also, try not to scream," he said, ominously. I thanked him and walked into the room, seeing another door immediately to the right again. I walked through the doorway and saw...another hooded figure. Is this like some cultural thing? "Oh, yer awake, human. "M Horror, nice ta meet cha," he said, flipping his hood down and looking at me.

I covered my mouth in an attempt to not scream as a living skeleton smiled at me. His left eye socket had a floating red orb in it while the other remained empty. On the left of his skull was a massive hole. "Calm down, kiddo. I ain't gonna hurt ya. And yeah, I'm a monster. So are Dust, Killer, Boss, an' the rest of 'em." I stepped back and leaned on the doorframe while this...this monster just looked on.

"You're...alive?" I asked, trying to hold my fear. "Eeeeeyup, sure am." I took a deep breath and calmed myself. "Okay, now that I'm the hell are you alive?" Horror laughed and walked over to me, his red eye intense. "Magic, kid. Ya want another answer? Too bad. Anyways, ya want somethin' ta eat?" I nodded and Horror want to the cupboard. "We got cereal, pop tarts..." "I'll take some pop tarts!"

Horror nodded and popped them into the toaster. "And ta drink?" " you have orange juice?" Suddenly, someone else ran into the room. Another skeleton, but this one with black marks from his eyes to his chins. "I WANT ORANGE JUICE!" he yelled, going to the fridge. "Shut yer trap, Dust's got a hangover, moron," Horror said, handing me my juice. "Oh, you're the human I kidnapped! The name's Killer, nice to meet you!" 

I noticed the glowing red target that seemed to project out of his chest. "I'm (Y/N), ditto," I said, tired of the introductions. I mean seriously, if I have to do this one more time, I'm gonna flip my shit. Horror handed me a plate with the pop tarts and walked with me to the dining room. He seemed nice for the most part, even if he was scary. Dust was already in the dining room, head down. "Hey, (Y/N)..," he said, his voice muffled by the table. "Hi," I said, sitting beside him.

As I started eating my pop tart, Killer apologized to kidnapping me. "It's fine, you didn't manhandle me, at least. And this was a pretty cool adventure once I got over the shock of living skeletons." Horror chuckled and put his hand on Killer's shoulder from behind him. "I'm guessin' ya don't got monsters in yer world?" "" Killer took a sip of his large glass of juice, looking at me with empty eyes.

"Ya don't know, then. Dust, ya wanna explain?" Dust sat up and rubbed his face, not bothering to turn to me. "Basically, there are an infinite number of universes, all slightly different. It's called the Multiverse Theory in most places. It's true. You're from GemTale, where the human hasn't fallen yet. I did the research and it turns out, you're the human's role model." I was completely lost. 

"Yer losin' 'em..." Horror said, causing Dust to glare and smack his head back down. "(Y/N), there's no need for you to worry about it, now. I'm sure when Boss gets back, he'll be able to explain it better!" Killer said, smiling. I nodded, contemplating my existence. I had just barely come to terms with the fact I was small in the scale of the universe, but now? There's an infinite number. I am nothing.

"No need ta get all depressed lookin', kiddo. Yer existential dread ain't doin' shit ta help ya feel better," Horror said, a smirk on his face. I finished my pop tart and continued to think about my small, meaningless existence. The skeletons around me started explaining that they were a group of people from different universes that banded together under their Boss, Nightmare. 

I learned a few things from hanging out with these three:

-They all love puns

-They're huge pransters

-They're immature

-Nightmare isn't someone to be messed with.

That last point was drilled home when Horror told a story about how he'd called Nightmare a bitch baby as a joke and ended up with a broken arm and fractured femur. Killer was also often the punching bag for Nightmare, mostly because he had oddly fast healing abilities. They really weren't that bad, even though they were annoying. I was just glad to be going back home soon...I hope.

Date: 7/21/22 23:04

Word Count: 1064

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