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~(Y/N)'s POV~

I smiled at Killer, who simply avoided eye contact and headed outside of the hospital. I followed, squinting my eyes at how bright it was outside. "Shit, I forgot about the sun..." Nightmare chuckled, a tendril pulling me into what I assumed were his arms. He gently stroked my head, smiling down happily. "Then allow me to ease the brightness." I felt my face grow hot, but still let him hold me close. Killer was talking to Horror and Dust in the background, none of them paying Nightmare or I any mind. "Thanks Night...can I have a little kiss?"

Nightmare gulped audibly, his voice growing to a whisper. "I-In public, darling..?" I nodded, looking up at him. He was bright cyan and smiling nervously. "It's not like they're paying attention, Nighty...come on, just a little quick kiss?" He nodded, glancing at the others before leaning down a bit and connecting his teeth to my lips softly. I kissed back, humming contentedly into the kiss. We remained kissing for a bit until he pulled back slowly, his face glowing bright. I smiled up at him, my face probably flushed too.

"You're good at kissing for a guy with no lips." "T-Thank you..." I chuckled and leaned into his chest, enjoying being held for a bit. My legs still felt kinda funny, but I was probably laying in bed for a while as they worked on me. One of Nightmare's hands softly rubbed my back while the other held my waist close to him. He was so cold in such a good way. Like a light breeze as opposed to a cold winter's chill. (I say this despite never having seen snow...I think that's a saying? A cold winter's chill??)

"So...what do we do now, Nighty? Just stand here?" "U-Um...we could...do something else...I-I suppose..?" I snorted and kissed his teeth, not lingering for more than a moment. "Well, the assistants threw my snacks and slushie away...maybe we can go on a date to the movie theater..? We can cuddle and hold hands and stuff?" His cheeks remained cyan as he registered the words, nodding slowly. He smiled happily, although he still seemed a little nervous. "I-I would like that...m-may we..?" "Of course, you dork..."

Before we could kiss again, my pant leg got tugged on softly. I turned and saw Dolly, just staring up and smiling. "Hi! I'm done in the bathroom now!" Cross was soon behind her, apologizing. "S-She kinda got away from me..." "That's quite alright, Cross..," Nightmare said, using a tendril to pick Dolly up. She giggled and smiled at him- stars, what an adorable kid. I continued leaning against my boyfriend, not really in much of a mood for intelligent conversation. Cross just smiled at me, so I did the bare-minimum and returned it. Nightmare's teeth softly touched my forehead.

"Hm?" "Do you think we could let Cross take care of Dolly for us, darling?" I smiled up at him, humming in thought. "If Cross and Dolly don't mind, of course...but she is your daughter, Nighty. So it's really up to you..." Nightmare sighed and nodded, glancing at Cross. "Would you mind taking her so I may go to a movie with (Y/N)..?" "A movie?!" Killer was soon followed by Cross, Horror and Dust following. Nightmare let go of me, but didn't push me off. I was completely comfortable leaning on him anyways, so I just kinda...stayed there. "Who's going to the movies?! I wanna go!" "I- Killer no. I'm going with (Y/N)."

"Are you gonna watch Barbenheimer?" I snorted and started laughing. "Aw man, I wish! I would love to watch Barbenheimer-," I said, Killer and I laughing. Nightmare raised his eyebrow, one of his tendrils curling around my leg possessively. "What is that?" I blushed softly, his tentacle kept going further up my leg. "It's a joke title for the Barbie movie and Oppenheimer. They came out on, like, the same day." "Ah...are we going to see one of those?" "Nooo, I wanna come too! Horror and Dust can watch Dolly! The four of us can go!" Killer grabbed Cross's wrist, clearly startling him.

Nightmare sighed. He was clearly not excited or happy about the prospect of them joining us. "It depends on if Horror and Dust want to watch Dolly and if she wants to go with them," he said, holding Dolly properly in his arms. She was just silently enjoying the affection, grinning happily. "Well? Dumb and Dumber?" "If ya call me either of those, I ain't doin' shit fer ya, Killz," Horror said, his hands in his pockets. Dust just flipped Killer off silently. I snorted and continued using Nightmare as a support. "Fine- are you gonna or not?"

Horror and Dust exchanged a look, both shrugging. "Why tha hell not. 'S up ta tha kid now, I guess." Nightmare turned to look at Dolly, who just stared back with a big smile. "Do you want to stay with Dust and Horror while your pa- ...w-while (Y/N) and I go to the movies?" It took me a minute to figure out Nightmare almost called me Dolly's parent and I couldn't help but blush hard. I was so glad I had my face mostly shoved in Nightmare to avoid the comments. Dolly giggled and clung to Nightmare. "That sounds good! Are they your friends?"

"Mhm, two of my most trusted friends. Try not to cause too much trouble for them, alright?" "Okay mister!" Nightmare chuckled. "You can call me something less formal, you know..." Dolly hummed and nodded. "I know, I just can't pick yet! I will soon though!" "There's no rush, little one..." She giggled and kissed Nightmare's cheek. "Okay! I'll see you when you get back, right?" "O-Of course, we will be back before it gets dark." Dolly smiled and leaned down to kiss my forehead. "Bye, (Y/N)!" "Bye Dolly, be safe."

Nightmare set her down and watched as Horror squatted down to her height and offered to pick her up. She quickly accepted and clung to him, giggling as he stood. "I'm tall again!" "That you are, little one...be good now, alright?" "I will!" Nightmare created a portal for Horror and Dust, who said their quick goodbyes before leaving with Dolly. I felt Nightmare's arms quickly wrap back around me protectively. "Night?" "Yes?" I just exhaled and hugged onto him, mumbling quietly. "Never mind, you big baby..." "So, lovebirds," Killer started, begrudgingly getting my attention, "Ready to go watch a movie?"

Heheheh, date time. And unfortunately, Nightmare and (Y/N) won't be watching Barbenheimer...yet

Date: 8/1/23 06:33

Word Count: 1087

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