Baking with Morons

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~Warning: This features some horny skeletons. Not Nightmare, though. Sorry~

~(Y/N)'s POV~

This fucking guy. Ink, right? He's a goddamn moron. I ask him for a cup of sugar, right? HE BRINGS ME A DRINKING GLASS OF SUAGR. JESUS FUCKING- " about you mix and read me the recipe, huh?" "Oh, okay!" I snickered and watched Ink hop off the stool he was on. He didn't need to be there, he said he wanted to, though. "Tԋҽ ϝυƈƙ αɾҽ ყσυ ԃσιɳɠ, Sϙυιԃ?" That glitching one from earlier! What was his name- "Oh, hi, Error! I'm baking with (Y/N)! Ooh, can you tell-" "Nσ. I ԃσɳ'ƚ ʅιƙҽ ԋιɱ. Hҽ'ʂ αɳ αʂʂԋσʅҽ."

"B-But, Error~" Error put his hands over where his ears would be and walked towards the fridge. When he took his hand off, Ink started yelling words at him. They weren't even a sentence, things like: "Pterodactyl in your ass," or something...I don't know, this guy is both really fun to be around and really freaking annoying. "Uɠԋ, ϝιɳҽ! Jυʂƚ ʅҽαʋҽ ɱҽ αʅσɳҽ, ყσυ ɾαιɳႦσɯ αʂʂԋσʅҽ!" Error opened a glitched portal on the roof, causing a rainbow skeleton to fall out. Ow, my eyes...

"Yo, what up, glitchy brah?! Haven't see ya in a hot sec, bro!" "Gҽƚ αɯαყ ϝɾσɱ ɱҽ," Error said, walking towards the exit. He stopped and turned to me, though, saying: "Cαʅʅ ɱҽ ιϝ ყσυ ɳҽҽԃ ԋҽʅρ, ƙιԃ. Yσυɾ ʅιƚƚʅҽ Ⴆσყϝɾιҽɳԃ ɯσυʅԃ ƙιʅʅ ɱҽ ιϝ ԋҽ ϝσυɳԃ συƚ I ʅҽϝƚ ყσυ ɯιƚԋ ƚԋҽʂҽ ƚɯσ ιԃισƚʂ..," and then he was gone. "So, ya dat all up interestin' fleshy guy dat goopy brah's got his eye on, huh? Dats p interestin' since ya look totes unrad ta me..." Ink wrapped his arms around the skeletons waist, giggling. The neon nightmare, in return, turned around and leaned down to Ink's face.

"Ew, gross. Stop making love in front of my funking pie- What was that?" The strange skeleton chuckled, but Ink actually explained. "Fresh can alter what people say if it's a profanity! It works against everyone but other Fresh Variants!" "...huh?" "Um, did Error not tell you? I...Well, it's not too important. Just don't be a meanie because he might hollow out your SOUL and steal your body, kay? Kay!"

Before I could talk, the two were clinging to each other and talking quietly. I sighed, looks like I'll be baking on my own. I re-measured the sugar and cinnamon, dumping them in with the apples. I heard sloppy kissing noises next to me and tried my hardest to ignore it. As I started frying the apples, the two were moaning and stuff. "Can you two knock it off?!" When I turned to them, they were both half naked and panting. GROSS. "U-Uh, whoops. Sorry 'bout dat, fleshy brah. Totes forgot ya were here...dats real unrad o' me, yo." "Aw, but (Y/N), we were having fun~!" 

"Well do that somewhere else! I'm trying to bake!" "Why ya doin' dat? Bakin', I mean." "I told them about what happened when we got together. So they got to pick between their two skeletons and this is their love confession! Cute, right?" Fresh chuckled and kissed Ink's forehead, smiling. "I remember when you did that, Inky. I'm so glad you picked me..," Fresh said, dropping the lingo all together. The two kissed before Ink left to go "paint some people" whatever that means.

"So, who didja have ta pick between?" "Nightmare and Cross..." "Ah, goopy brah and Criss Cross!" "...sure," I said, setting the pastry. "Did...Inky tell ya 'bout what happened with-" I nodded and continued setting it, thinking off to Ink's words. "It made me realize that I needed to pick quickly." Fresh nodded, not helping at all. Asshole. As I poured in the apple, he spoke again. "So, who'd ya pick?" "I don't think that's any of your business. I don't even know you."

"Fair 'nough, fleshball brah! So, ya makin' a pie?" "Yeah, following the recipe of the best, sexiest, cook ever." "Wh-" "GORDON RAMSEY! HE'S A TOTAL DILF!" Fresh chuckled, and I could start to tell why Ink found him attractive. He could be obnoxious, but he had moments where he seemed like any normal guy. Like Cross, with that laugh, though. "Ya already know how ta bake, though. I can jus' tell by how ya holdin' yaself, ya dig?" "Yeah, you caught me. I used to bake for the homeless shelter. It was my weekend thing."

I placed the pie in the oven and watched Fresh go into the fridge to get a drink. "Inky...whatja think 'bout him? Don't suagr coat it or anythin' I won't get mad at cha." I sighed and began working on the top of the pie, braiding the strands of dough. "He's pretty annoying sometimes, but he means well. I do like him, really though!" Fresh seemed content enough to relax, which only then made me notice he had his fists clenched.

"You really like him." "Hm?" "Well, despite not having real emotions, that there was pure rage." Fresh was quiet. Good, now I can focus on- "How'd ya know?" "It's try hard to seem like you care, but the only genuine emotions I picked up from you were with Ink and right then, that rage. Don't ask how I know, because I don't even know myself. I guess hanging out with Nightmare has it's benefits, huh?"

"Heh, ya sure are somethin'. Guess ya are p rad, flesh bro" "(Y/N). My name's (Y/N)." I took the pie out carefully, burning my hands on the metal. "W-Woah, the heck, brah?! Ya gonna hurt yaself!" I put it down and ran my hands under cold water, seeing the burns already leaving a mark. "Couldn't find the oven mitts." Fresh started at me with his mouth agape, his shades shifting words. It's been happening, but I didn't care enough to read them. This time, though, it said "Woah". I felt very proud. I hoped Nightmare would too...

As I set the top of the pie back on and continued baking it, Ink came back. "Hiya pa- Fresh?! What's wrong?!" "U-Uh, nothin' Inky bae. Jus' uhhh...nothin'..." I felt their eyes on me, so I turned around with the most innocent face I could muster. "Well, don't look at me, Ink! He just got all weird!" Ink seemed to believe it completely, because he made Fresh sit down and got him a drink. I walked over to Fresh, leaning towards his ear. "You're a parasite." "...and you're a Chara. What do you think would happen if someone found out?" "Nothing, because..." I pulled away, my eyes becoming black holes and my mouth turning into an unnatural smile.

"W H O  W O U L D  E V E N  B E L I E V E  Y O U ?"

Oh boy, is that LORE? Maybe, maybe it's just a throwaway line. Or just maybe...

It's a hint as to why Praesent (that God, remember?) found our dear little (Y/N) so intriguing?

Depends on how I feel. Until then, readers~

Date: 10/24/22 14:49

Word Count: 1163

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