Wait, what?

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

"B-But...Uncle Mikey said they were away in jail..." I turned to Nightmare, who's face seemed a mix of shock and regret. "You mean...you had no one else?" Dolly nodded, rubbing her arms. "Yeah, it's always just me and Uncle Mikey..," she said. Nightmare turned to the others while I gently rubbed Dolly's arms. I had pieced it together by now- Nightmare, Dust, Horror, Killer, and G killed the fucker, but now Dolly was left without a family.

"Why don't...you come live with me, Dolly?" I said. Dolly's eyes lit up. "I can?! Yay!" Dolly turned and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged back, resting my chin on her head. I turned up to look at Nightmare and saw the worried look on his face. "What now, Debbie Downer?" G asked sarcastically, raising an eyebrow. "Well, technically that would be kidnapping. You'd have to legally adopt her. I don't think it would be too much work, though. Would you like me to take you?"

I looked at Dolly once more before nodding. Nightmare sent the others back in a portal, aside from Dust. He seemed the least affected. "Dust? Is there a reason you're staying?" He looked up at Nightmare, everything but his eyes obscured by the hood. "Just thinking...(Y/N)'s a bit too young to be a parent, right? Maybe you should adopt her." Dolly turned around, looking confused. "Well, aren't (Y/N) and Nighty married? I'll just be their baby!"

I felt my face heat up from the comment. Nightmare was in no better shape, with bright cyan dusting his cheeks. "Oh? Where'd you get that idea, Dolly?" Dust asked with a smirk. "(Y/N) said Nighty was their boyfriend!" Dust's smirk grew, as did my blush. "When were you gonna tell us, Boss?" "I wasn't..," he said quietly, looking at the wall. "Aw, don't you think that's a bit harsh?" Nightmare growled, glaring at Dust. That seemed to deter him from making any more shitty comments.

"You'd better keep your damn mouth shut about this." "I wasn't going to say anything, Boss. It's really none of my business," Dust said with a shrug. He walked through the blackened, goopy portal and disappeared from sight. I avoided eye contact with Nightmare, hoping he wouldn't be too mad. "You...told a small child?" "Well I didn't think you'd bring your 'not-friends' with you," I said, pouting. Dolly leaned back again, looking up at me. "Are you and Mister Nighty gonna divorce?"

I tried not to laugh, but only because she looked so sad about it. "Dolly, (Y/N) and I aren't married, alright? We're only in a romantic r-r...relationship, for the time being. And I would...we would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about it. Like a, uh..." "A secret?" she asked, cocking her head at him. "Yes, a secret. How does that sound?" "Okay, Mister Nighty!" Nightmare sighed with a smile of relief before sitting beside me on the bed. "So, are we leaving?"

"I doubt any place of business would be open at this hour, Darling. Aside from 24 hour shops, motels, and the police station." "We could try there? Let them know about the situation and get custody of Dolly?" Nightmare pondered for a bit, looking over at the small girl. He tenderly rubbed the top of her head with a gentle smile. So cute, my heart can't take this. "I suppose you're right. Let's go then, shall we?" I nodded and got up from the room, picking Dolly up in my arms.

Nightmare followed me out to the car, where I unlocked it and set Dolly in the backseat. "I suppose we'll have to get her a booster seat, huh?" "Nah, she's a big girl, right, Dolly?" Dolly nodded. "I never had a booster! I was always a big girl!" I smiled and rubbed her head, buckling her in. The comment, while unnerving, made me smile as how adorable she was. I can't wait until I get to take care of her. I got in the passenger seat and let Nightmare drive. Despite only having one eye, he saw great in the darkness.

We were there in less than an hour, so Dolly still hadn't fallen asleep. He parked and we got out, even though he insisted on carrying Dolly. The officers seemed a bit unnerved by Nightmare carrying Dolly, like it was wrong. I guess when they saw me, they assumed she was my kid. "How can I help you three?" the officer manning the desk said, standing up with a smile. "Right, erm, (Y/N). I don't think she should hear any of this. Can you..?" I nodded, and took Dolly into my arms.

I sat in the waiting room with Dolly, even though she was starting to fall asleep on me. I gently carried her back into the room after a few minutes, seeing Nightmare still talking with the officer. "She has no one else?" "According to Dolly, her uncle said they were both in jail. When I went to go tell him that she was with us, I saw he'd been killed." "I see...well, we'll need to talk you both in for questioning, alright? Dolly'll be just fine."

I handed Dolly off to the officer, who carried her back into a separate room, while another two officers escorted Nightmare and I into different room for questioning. I sat down in the uncomfortably cold room, the metal chair digging into my back. I curled up in the chair, rubbing my arms to try and heat up. I watched the clock tick, and eventually looked away so time would go by faster. When the door clicked, I looked at the clock. 'Two fucking hours? Gotta love cops..'

"Good evening, Mx. (Mx is the G/N form of Mr./Mrs./Ms.). I'm officer Hastings, and this is officer Byng. We're going to ask you a few questions about tonight, alright?" I nodded and shivered again, wincing at the cold biting at my face. "So, Mx, can you tell us what you remember, starting at the beginning?" I told teh officer's everything I knew, lying at some parts. I said Nightmare was with me the entire time and that he went and found the Manager dead. They seemed sympathetic towards me, even so much as offering me a blanket.

I took it happily and smiled when I was released. Nightmare got out at the same time, so we both stood by each other. "Where's Dolly? We were hoping to take custody of her," Nightmare said, smiling. "About that, we're going to give her to her mother. Lucky for her, she got out of prison last week. Thanks for stopping by, you can leave, now." "W-What?" I asked. My throat felt dry and my eyes started to burn from the tears bubbling up. "I see..," he said, wrapping his arm around me.

Nightmare walked me out of the station and got me into my car, getting in the driver's seat himself. He started driving home to my house, after plugging the address into his phone. "Are we just...not going to talk about that?" "I know, Darling, I'm upset too. But there's nothing we can do." I stayed quiet and shut my eyes, deciding sleep would make me feel better. 

A/N: Wow, this took a long time. posting's gonna be weird since college starts tomorrow. see ya next chap! Poll:




Date: 8/21/22 00:43

Word Count: 1219

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