Oh Shit

710 35 7

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I sighed and flopped back onto the couch. After meeting Dream, Nighty brought me home, seeing my distressed state. Cole walked in mere minutes later, two plastic bags in his hands. "Oh, hey, (Y/N). Didn't know you were home," he said, looking more tired than ever. "You feeling okay? You look..." "Like crap? Yeah, I know. Your mom and I...we're having a bit of an argument." The words shook my SOUL, and fear overtook me. No, Cole was one of the reasons I was able to feel like I was worth something. He helped me. They can't break up!

"No need to worry, though, kiddo. You're gonna have to do a lot more to get rid of me, hehe!" He giggled, smiling as if nothing were wrong. I let a chuckle escape my lips, my throat going dry. My mother was not a good person. It wouldn't surprise me if she hired a hitman to take him out, or something. No, she's too lazy. So lazy she couldn't even take care of her own child. Whatever, I stopped caring about her years ago. "So...you've been out a lot more lately. Any...special person?"

I turned my head to Cole, who had since moved into the kitchen and back, leaning on the doorframe into it. "Pssh, noooo..," I said, suspiciously. Cole eyed me from the doorframe before shrugging and walking forward. "I get it, you're keeping your little love from me. I understand...even though I'm totally gonna bully you about it," he projected, ruffling my hair. He sent a wink my way before walking back into the kitchen to do Gods know what. I sighed and leaned forward, resting my head in my hands.

Should I tell him about me and Nighty? Wait, I haven't told anyone! Dani, Davin, Jaxin, Zain...I feel like such a shitty friend! I sighed, for the umpteenth time, and got up, deciding to take a drive to clear my mind. Being at home wasn't helping my mental health any more than another interaction with Dream would. I cracked my neck and slipped my shoes on by the front door, snatching my keys from the ring. I didn't bother saying goodbye or grabbing my phone, figuring I'd be back within the hour.

I hopped into the car and started it, backing out of the driveway and into the residential street. I clicked the radio on and settled on 98.5, a rock station. I turned up the music as I drove, paying attention to nothing but the rhythm. And, of course, the road, but it was mostly just in the back of my mind. I continued driving, for who knows how long, until I reached a gas station. I parked in a spot and walked inside, deciding to grab some food. 

What was once midday was now late into the night. How did I not notice how long it had been? The store was lit by florescent lights that felt like something straight outta the backrooms. I walked through the aisles, deciding to pick some sour candy and an Icee. I picked all the colors, like everyone should (I agree, y/n. completely my bro). As I went to the counter to pay, the monster seemed kinda out of it. "Uh, sir?" The employee turned to me, their peach fur matted and dirty.

"..." Their cat ears poked through the red baseball cap and their tail flickered behind them, showing they were clearly awake. They slowly and almost robotically took the scanner from beside them and held it out, their eyes white and glazed over. Okay, officially freaked out. I set the items on the counter and watched as the employee scanned both, not breaking eye contact with me. I felt a shiver go down my spine as he smiled, an unnatural grin spreading too far on his face.

A shorter, chubby Calico lady walked out, a lit cigarette in her mouth. "Damnit, Junior! What'd I say about scarin' the customers?!" The cat, named Junior, turned to the lady, smile gone. "I wasn't scarin' them, right?" he said, turning back to me. He wore an uneasy smile, a drop of sweat dripping from his head. "Oh, no. Of course not," I said, smiling politely at the lady. Her expression softened and she gave a small nod before going back into the room to the left. 

"Thanks for savin' me there, human. And, uh, sorry if I did scare you. It's just funny seein' people run outta here with their tails 'tween their legs," I chuckled and grabbed the items as Junior's glazed over eyes squinted in a smile. "It's cool, don't worry about it." I paid and left, waving to the tired cat. I entered my car and opened the candy, eating in the parking lot. The distant roar of thunder caused me to look out the window, seeing the rainclouds rolling in. 

I have no idea where I am, I'm just...somewhere. I reached for my phone to plug in my address but...it wasn't there. Fuck. I started the car and backed out, driving to the nearest motel to stay in. It was a bit out of town in a mostly forested area. It looked like something from a horror movie. Despite everything telling me to leave, I wasn't going to sleep in my car. I parked and headed towards the main office, entering while the bell jingled. The sleazy manager looked up and smirked, fucking creep.

"Hey there, sweet thing. Ya need a room?" I ignored the manager's totally creepy personality and  crossed my arms over my chest. "Yes, just for the night. How much?" "Well for you, I'll make it $40, unless you'd like to stay with me in here~" I fished my card out of my wallet and held it out. "The $40 is fine, thanks. Is there a phone I can use?" The manager's mood dampened slightly but he plugged the card in nonetheless. "Yep, here, cutie~" 

He handed me the phone and I dialed Nighty's number in the keypad. "Hello?" he answered cautiously after two rings. "Hey, it's (Y/N). I, uh, I'm lost. I went on a little trip and I ended up only stars know where. Can you come pick me up?" "Of course, Darling. Where are you, can I get the name of the town?" I turned to the manager, who handed me my card back. "Where am I? The name of the town, I mean." 

"You're in Loganville, honey," he said, winking again. "I'm in Loganville, at the Lazy boy Motel." "And the room, Darling?" I took the key he'd laid on the desk and looked at the number. "Room 8, see you soon." "Yes, you shall. Bye, Darling." I waited for the line to go dead before handing the phone back, walking to my room. I unlocked the door and immediately locked every lock I could. In a sketchy place like this, I really didn't trust anyone. Especially that creepy ass guy. I laid on the bed, even if it was kinda creaky. I opened my eyes when I suddenly heard a knock at my door...

Date: 8/14/22 22:47

Word Count: 1183

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