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Disclaimer, this was my first book I ever wrote, I wrote this before the Lost Outcast book 1, and then changed the series order. Alot of parts suck so just be prepared for the first few chapters to be pretty bad compared to how I usually write. This first chapter is completely re-written so it shouldn't be too bad.

- Qibli

I sat blissfully on my front lawn. Moon was inside doing something while I played with our one year old daughter Jade.

It's still unbelievable that I have a daughter. With Moon too. But I couldn't ask for more.

Jade rolled around happily in the flowers as I watched her. Then her tiny head popped up and she stared at me.

She narrowed her eyes. I had to keep myself from smiling.

"Daddy, be vewy careful. Dere is a monsta behind yous." she whispered. I smiled and turned around slowly.

Moon was now on the porch with her back facing us. I motioned for Jade to follow me. She waddled her way over to Moon as quietly as she could.

I wrapped my arms around Moon's waist and Jade clung onto her leg. Moon yelped.

"I got the monster!" I exclaimed to Jade. She erupted into a fit of giggles. I smiled at Jade. She was the most adorable thing I had ever seen.

"Monsta!" she squealed. Moon laughed as I put her down in the flowers. Jade stood on her stomach.

"We need to stop its evil pwans." Jade said. I nodded.

Moon rolled her eyes at me. "Howwww about....TICKLES!" I said while tickling Jade's stomach.

She squealed in happiness. "No! Daddy! You! Betrayed!" she screamed. I smiled. Moon stood up. "He's the real monster!" Moon yelled.

Before I knew it I was now laying down with Jade on my stomach.

Moon had tackled me.

"How the tables have turned." Moon said softly. I laughed.

Jade crawled on my chest until she was right infront of my face.

She wrapped her small chubby arms around my neck and meant to choke me or something, but it turned into an adorable hug.

I sat up and held her close to me. Her blonde hair blew graciously in the wind, and she closed her green eyes tiredly.

"I wuv you daddy." Jade said softly. My heart was melted, put back together, and then given to this beautiful girl in a second.

"I love you too sweetheart." I whispered. Moon smiled softly at us.

I felt tears in my eyes. Jade had never told me she loves me before. This was possibly the best day of my life.

And when I look back it feels like I have alot of those now.

Jade rested her head on my shoulder. "Baby, would you like to go play with Firefly and Jaguar?" I asked her quietly.

"Yes!" she squealed. I put her on my shoulders and held her legs as she clapped her hands together.

Jade pointed down the sidewalk. "Go daddy go!" she screamed.

The Lost Outcast Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now