The Sleepover Part 2

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- Jade

After we got bored of watching Wednesday, Rose decided we should play games. I gulped and looked around worriedly.

"What game are we playing?" I asked nervously. "Hmm maybe we should play... truth or dare." Rose said as an evil smile appeared on her face. "Sounds good." Firefly said with a small smile.

We all sat down in a circle and Rose started. "Copper Truth or Dare?" Rose asked him. "Um... Dare." he said with a nod. A creepy smile appeared on her face. "I dare you to flirt with Anemone at school on Monday."

Copper's face looked horrified by the dare. "Oh no," he mumbled, "Alright." he finally accepted.

"Firefly Truth or Dare?" Copper asked her. "Dare obviously," she said with a playful eyeroll. "I dare you to die your hair purple!" He said with an evil grin. "WHAT?!?! My dad will kill me! I love my hair blonde not PURPLE!" she screamed.

"Hey your the one who obviously accepted the dare." Copper retorted. "Argh fine, but you owe me Copper!" "No I dont, hence the dare." Copper said with a smile.

"Rose, Truth or Dare?" Firefly said turning to Rose.
Dare! I choose dare!" she answered excitedly. "I dare you to die the tip's of Jade's hair teal."

My jaw dropped.

"Wait, dont I get a say in this?" I asked nervously. "No its Rose's dare." Firefly replied with a shrug. "Yeah its her dare but its my hair!" I protested.

"Eh you agreed to play the game so..." Firefly told me. "Fine "I grumbled. "Yay." Rose exclaimed.

"Jade Truth or Dare?" Rose asked me. I gulped and amswered,"Truth."

Rose looked slightly disappointed but still way too happy. "Do you have a crush yet?" Rose asked me. "Rose Ive been at school for one day how would I already have a crush?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"Ok well maybe not a crush but anybody you think is cute?" she said eagerly. I did not want to answer this.

"Well there is this one boy in my Spanish class. " I answered truthfully. "Ooo who is he?" Firefly asked me.

"I dont know his name but he is tall with black hair and green eyes." I answerd simply. "Ugh sounds like my brother" Firefly said before gasping,"Wait! What if it is my brother?!?!"

She gave me a worried glance. "I dont thin-" I started before Firefly cut me off. "He came home today talking about a girl in his Spanish class he said she had dirty blonde hair and green eyes." She informed us before finally cooling down.

I blushed madly.

Oh uh thats not weird at all.

"Well then maybe." I said with a shrug. "Its not like were dating or anything I just think he's cute." I told her. She gave me a disgusted look.

What else did he say about me?

"Yeah your right." Firefly said. Then Rose started laughing out of nowhere,"Ha, you should meet her brother he's hilarious!" she said with a small yawn.

"I think we should go to bed." Copper suddenly said. "Yeah Im tired." I agreed. I got up and grabbed my bag and walked into the bathroom. I put on my pajamas and brushed my teeth.

When I opened the door I saw Rose who was wearing a fluffy unicorn onesie. "Rose I just have to say, I love your pajamas!" I told her resisting the urge to laugh. "Im glad someone appreciates my sense of style!" Rose said in an joking way.

"Ok Copper you have to sleep in a separate room." Firefly told him. "What why?" he protested. Firefly shot a glance at herself, Rose, and me and then back at him. "Fine I see your point." he said before tiredly walking away.

I yawned. "Im tired." I told Rose and Firefly. "Goodnight besties." I barely heard Rose say before she was knocked out cold.

Before I feel asleep I truly was amazed that in one day I had already felt like I made three amazing friends. Wow, this had been a great first day at school.


I woke up to Rose jumping on me yelling, "WAKE UP JADE WAKE UP!!!" "AGH WHOS DEAD?! WHOS DEAD?!" I yelled while being violently ripped out of my dream.

"What? No ones dead silly." Rose teased me. "Then why were you yelling at me to wake up?" I asked her questionably.

"Well I wanted you to wake up." she said as if what she just did was completely normal. I gingerly sat up and looked at Firefly who somehow looked completely perfect even though she just woke up too.

"Dont take it personally she does that to everyone." Firefly told me with a smile. I just nodded. "Ready for breakfast?" Rose asked me.

"Heck yeah Im starving!" I exclaimed. "Race you up there!" I told Rose before running up the basement stairs at full speed.

"What no fair you got a head start!" Rose yelled from right behind me.

As I reached the top of the stairs I instantly smelled a mixture of cinnamon and bacon. "Morning sleepy heads," Kinkajou said from the kitchen, "I made Cinnamon rolls and bacon." Kinkajou told us with a smile. "Omg thank you mom!" Rose said rushing past me to grab a cinnamon roll.

"Thank you indeed." I told Kinkajou while grabbing a cinnamon roll as well.

I turned around to see Firefly lazily watching tv and texting somebody. "Hey Firefly are you driving me home or do you want my dad to pick me up?" I asked her. "Who is your dad?" Kinkajou asked me before Firefly could answer me. "Oh my dad is uh Winter Blizz." I replied shyly.

Kinkajou smiled grimly. As if she was imagining good things but through a dark filter.

"Winter really if im being honest you look nothing like him." she told me.

"Yeah I know," I said with a laugh. "I can drive you home Jade I dont mind." Firefly said from the couch. "Ok thanks." I told her. "Nooooo, I want to see Winter again." Kinkajou said in a fake whiney voice, I could tell there was a bit of lying in that.

Maybe she did want to see him, but maybe just the old him.

What she said honestly surprised me. Father is just so cold and mean almost all the time. I just dont understand why anyone would even try to be friends with him.

I guess he got lucky like me with good friends. My phone all the sudden rang and I picked it up and realized that father was calling. "I have to take this I will be right back." I told everyone before rushing down the basement stairs and running straight into Copper. I fell down the stairs and landed straight on top of Copper.

"Oh my gosh Im so sorry!" I said before quickly getting off of him. "Its fine" he said as he subconsciously ran a hand through his hair.

I realized that I had dropped my phone and went to go look for it. When I found it and finally answered the call father was already yelling at me.

"How dare you take so long to answer the phone! I thought you were hurt or something much worse! Dont ever do that again young lady!" He scolded me.

"Sorry Father I didnt mean to scare you." I said in a bored tone. "Anyways do you want me to pick you up?" he asked me changing the subject. "No, my friend Firefly will drive me home." I told him.

"Alright see you soon." father told me. "Love you fath-" he hung up before I could finish my sentance. I sighed.

I walked back up the stairs and Firefly said she was ready to go, so we got in her car and left Rose's house.

Done deal. 1315 words

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