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- Jaguar

3 years after Jade moved away

*BEEP BEEP* " Ughhh" I groaned as my alarm went off. I sat up on my bed and rubbed my eyes. I saw my phone light up and I reached to grab it.

I unlocked my phone and checked the text message. My heart stopped when I saw who was texting. It was Jade.

She was in town. I had just graduated highschool and she should have as well. She wanted to see me. I winced remembering the last time I saw her.

It took me a long time to get over her. I only dated one girl after her though. I dated a girl named Mink. She was nice, super energetic, and kinda shy.

She was a really good person but, she wasnt Jade. So maybe I haven't gotten over Jade. To be fair Jade was amazing. She was perfect in every way.

I started to type. I told her that I still live in the same house so she can come visit anytime. She didn't reply. I then realized she was coming over soon.

I scrambled off my bed to clean up myself and my room. I went to the bathroom and did my hair. I brushed my teeth and rushed back down the hall to my room.

I ran into Firefly. " Why are you running around?" she asked slightly annoyed. " I uh me is," I said trying to my words.

" I would prefer my answer in english." Firefly said with an eyeroll. " Jade!" I finally said. I saw her face immediately go serious.

Firefly had always been mad about her moving away. She felt like she was abandoning her. " What about her?" she said.

" She is back from Michigan!" I said hurriedly. Jade moved to Michigan and attended Skywing Private School.

I noticed Firefly's face which was mixed between many different emotions. " Firefly, don't stay in the past. Yeah, she moved away but that doesn't mean that she doesn't want to be your friend. Just forgive her." I said before running back to my room.

I cleaned my room quickly and then realized it was still 6:00 am. There were no chances Jade was going to visit anytime soon.

I sighed and decided to scroll through tik tok on my phone.


I went downstairs to go make some lunch. I opened the kitchen door and saw dad at the table looking at something on his phone.

He looked up from his phone when I opened the fridge. " Hey, what are you doing today?" he asked me.

I sighed not knowing what to make. " I might see Jade today." I said completely forgetting that we havent seen Jade in three years.

" Oh that sounded weird," I mumbled under my breath. " What I mean is Jade is in town and she might stop by today." I told him.

Dad's face looked full of hope. I remembered when he first found out about Jade's departure. When Jade moved in with us he started to feel like Jade was his daughter.

He was Jade's only father figure for a while. " Are you nervous?" dad asked me. I shrugged wanting to avoid this question.

No one knew that I was still head over heels for Jade. I intended to keep it that way. Dad nodded clearly noticing my reaction to his question.

He didn't say much else. This was a rare moment. Dad was always super funny, protective, but most of all, talkative.

I knew he was in deep thought when he did this. I have only ever seen this a couple times. He did it at his wedding and when Jade was in trouble.

The Lost Outcast Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now