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- Jade

Darkness. All I see is black. Nothing else. Then I was abruptly jerked out of the black. I looked around comfused at what just happened.

I took in a deep breath. I looked up and locked eyes with a boy. " Your alive!" the boy said. I stared at him. There was a tall boy with green eyes had black hair staring at me in pure happiness.

"Yes I am?" I said confused. Why would I be dead? The the boy ran out of the room leaving me there very puzzled.

I stared at my hands. Who was that boy? Why did he look familiar?

Five minutes later three people came into my room.
" Jade!" a lady said covering her mouth with her hands. " Who is Jade?" I asked.

The room fell silent. The doctor was staring at me with an expectat expression. " What?" I finally asked. " Jade do you remember your parents?" the doctor asked.

" I dont think I have any parents." I said looking at the doctor. I looked back at the other two people. They looked heartbroken.

" Can you try and think of anybody you know?" the doctor asked me. " Of cour-," I then realized I don't remember anyone. " No I dont." I said cautiously.

The doctor asked the people to step outside. The doctor went outside and talked to them. The lady broke down in tears and the man comforted her.

They walked back in and the doctor told me," You might have Dissociative Amnesia. In other words you forgot everyone in your life." he told me.

My gaze fell. All my memories all of my friends they are all gone. " The good news is that you were in here for so long that you can leave and return to school." the doctor said.

" As long as you wear this wrist cast and be cautious so you dont fall you should be good to go." he said with a nod.

The doctor left the room and the two people were just staring at me. " How did I know you?" I finally asked them.

" We are you parents." the male said. I then became more interested in them. " What is my name?" I asksd them.

" Your name is Jade Dawn." the female said. I pondered that name. Jade Dawn. I dont hate it.
I didnt ask them anymore questions after that.


I went to school the next day and that boy from the day I woke up was there. I went to my locker and was trying to find my science text book.

" Jade?" I heard a male voice behind me say. I turned around and realized it was the same boy from the night I woke up.

I knew he wanted to talk to me. Little did he know that I had no idea who he was. " Look I-" I started but he kissed me.

I did not kiss back. " What the? Why would you do that?" I asked angrily. Do people just go around kissing people at this school? It took all my will power not to slap him.

" Whatever, I dont know who you are ok? So just leave me alone." I said before turning around again. I noticed that he wasnt walking away.

" I have Dissociative Amnesia. I don't remember any of my social interactions. I don't remember my parents, my friends, or you." I said.

I was slightly annoyed at him. " So whoever you were to the old Jade doesnt matter. This is me and I dont know anyone in this stupid school!" I said annoyed.

" Well I-" he started but I cut him off. " I dont care who you are! I just want you to leave me alone!" I yelled at him.

I turned around to glare at him. He looked heartbroken. Who was this to the old Jade? " Im so sorry about the day you were injured." he said quietly.

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