Hurt, confusion, and acceptance

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- Jaguar

I woke up to muffled female voices. I got up to go investigate the talking and quickly realized that it was Firefly and Jade talking. Maybe I can finally ask Jade out I thought excitedly.

I imagined me and Jade eating dinner at a nuce resturaunt. The image gave me butterflies.

I opened the kitchen door and my gaze immediately fell onto Jade. "Why are you up so early?" I asked with a moan. "Girl stuff, why are you up?" Firefly said suspiciously fast. "Im up beacuse I could hear you all talking from upstairs!" I said with a huff.

I looked at Jade and realized she wouldnt even look at me. Now I was really confused. Jade is a extrovert and she normally looks me right in the eyes. I decided to ignore it and ask Jade the question that has been on my mind since the day I layed eyes on her.

"Hey uh Jade?" I asked taking a step towards her. She was hesitant to answer me and before answering took a step away from me. "What?" she finally said in a bored tone.

I felt very hurt right now but I had to ask Jade this. "I was wondering if you wanted to go get lunch with me sometime today?" I said nervously.

I suddenly became very interested in the floor. When Jade didnt answer me I looked up and the expression on her face made me want to cry.

Her expression was filled with a disgust and a little hatred. She then scoffed and rushed out of the kitchen.

"What th-?" I said in confusion. I looked at Firefly and she shrugged. "Ill talk to her." Firefly said before rushing off after Jade. I shrank down and leaned on the cabinets in the kitchen.

What if Jade hates me? What if she thought of me like a brother not a crush? I thought worridly. I remember the day I first saw Jade.

It was the first day of school Spanish class. I was already seated when Jade walked in, smiling shyly. I remember staring at her in awe.

Her hair was an ombre from brown at the top of her head fading into a dirty blond. Her hair was curled into beautiful curls and her eyes were a stunning shade of green. She sat down beside me and I couldnt take my eyes off of her.

When I finally pried my eyes off of her I noticed every guy in the room practically drooling over Jade. I instantly felt intimidated by the other guys.

I wanted to talk to Jade and get on her good side before any of the guys could. Jade seemed to be very oblivious to the fact when she enters a room everyone looks at her.

Ever since then, everytime I see Jade at school or in other public places I watch out for her. I send glares to all the creeps. I threaten all the players. But the "good guys" look at Jade too and I cant do anything about them.

I hate to admit it but any of the "good guys" would be good for Jade and I cant keep her away from them. I just have to watch whenever they flirt with her and it hurts.

One good thing is that she seemed to be unaware of the flirting and thought they were just being nice. Or maybe that is just her wag of shutting them down.

I looked up and realized Jade and Firefly were coming down stairs. I rushed out of the kitchen to try and talk to Jade.

"Jade-" I started but Firefly cut me off. "Neither of us want to talk to you right now so you leave us alone." Firefly said with her "dont mess with me right now," voice.

I tried to protest but the door was already shutting. I opened the door and saw dad working out. He glanced at me and then at Jade before frowning. He pointed to the door and I knew I was screwed.

Dad is very hard on me about girls. He is madly in love with mom and he wants me to know how to properly treat girls. So whenever a situation involved a girl I knew it was going to be rough for me. I sighed before walking through the door.

With Jade it is going to be something like, "Jade has a real reason to be upset. Be kind to her. What did you do?"

Dad entered and immediately said, "What did you do?" he looked fairly mad at me. " What did I do? I didnt do anything!" I said in protest.

"So if I call Firefly would she agree with you?" dad said with a skeptical expression. I recalled back to when Firefly had just snapped at me. I sighed in defeat before saying, "No." " I thought so." dad said.

Dad sat down on the couch and instructed me to do the same. "What happened?" he said.

"I walked into the kitchen and asked her a question and she just stormed off." I said not meeting his gaze. I purposely did not mention what I asked her but of course dad would ask about it.

"What did you ask her?" he said calmly. "I- I asked her out." I said madly blushing.

He softly chuckled and said, "Tell me what you said to her."

"Hey Jade, I was wondering if you wanted to go get lunch with me sometime today?" I repeated with a frown.

"Jaguar if you are lying to me you will be in even more trouble." he warned me. I nodded. "Has anything happened before with you two that could be problematic?" dad asked. "No." I said thinking.

"Well you obviously did something wrong."dad stated with a sigh. " How do you know Jade is just
being weird?" I asked him. He sighed and said,"Jaguar I havent known Jade long but I knew her father for the longest time. I myself was abused by a parental figure. My mother. Although if was mostly mental." he had a very grim expression on his face.

"I didnt know that dad." I said in shock. he nodded. After I got away from my mother I acted very similar to Jade. I didnt show it but I longed for someone to love. For a while I had Moon. She was like a little sister. But our connection was lost and I met Glory," just saying her name made his face brighten.

"Whenever I was around Glory I was my at my best. If I had a problem with her it wasnt something small. It was something that would make me want to cry at night." I had no idea about all of this.

"Dad, what does this have to do with me and Jade?" I asked curiously.

"My point is people who are like me and Jade, they dont exaggerate their problems. And they dont make up problems." he told me. I was still very confused.

"So your saying that whatever Jade is mad about isnt fake, and its something that really bothers her?" I asked slightly confused.

"Yes, oh and please refrain from telling your mother about this conversation." Dad said with a nod. I slowly nodded.

"Wait, are you saying that Jade loves me?" I asked suddenly. "I dont know about love but she gives you a very similar look I give your mother. The look of longing and a feeling of being safe." He said looking a little proud.

I was blushing so hard right now. So so so embarrassing to talk about with your dad.

"Alright, want to come workout with me in the garage?" Dad asked completely changing the subject. "Why not." I said with a grin. We both walked to the garage and began working out.


When Jade and Firefly returned home later that night I decided to leave Jade alone and give her some time. It hurt me to not be around and with her, but I knew it was the right thing to do. And when she was ready she could come to me. I didnt want to make her feel uncomfortable or even more upset.

1375 words!!!

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