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- Jade

I sighed as I walked out of Jaguar's house.


The sweet kind boy I fell for. The boy who just tried to kiss me.

I walked down the street deciding to take a quick walk. As walked down the park and saw that it looked exactly the same.

I hope Flame won't mind if I am slightly late. Flame is my boyfriend. The one I almost cheated on today. I shivered at that thought.

Flame would be so mad if I told him about that incident. Jaguar would already be dead.

I walked along the pathways towards Flame and where he should be. Today was the day my parents were going to meet him.

I remembered the day I met Flame.

I set down my bag on my bed and looked around. I walked out of my dorm and went outside. I watched as the sun set. I shivered as a cold breeze blew by.

I felt a warm jacket wrap around my shoulders. I looked behind me and saw a boy with fiery red hair and a scar going across his eyebrow.

"Hey." he said. I smiled. "Hi." I replied. It had been a month since I moved away from California. I had made one friend.

"Thanks for the coat." I said. He smiled. "Yeah, I mean I hadn't got a chance to talk to you and I couldn't just let a lady be cold." he said.

I laughed. "Well, I appreciate it." I said. We then just looked at eachother. I stared into his eyes. They were a shade of red and brown.

They were so different from Jaguar's eyes. Jaguar's were soft and protective. His were strong and brave. I felt myself fall for him immediately.

"Whats your name?" he asked. "Jade. Jade Dawn." I said. "What about you?" I asked. "Lets go with... The most handsome guy in the world!" he said.

I laughed. "Actually!" I said. "Flame." he replied. I smiled. "Well, Flame nice to meet you." he smiled. He nodded then the bell rang.

That meant we had to return to out dorms.

I smiled at him and walked back to my dorm.

I layed on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Wow he was nice. Maybe we could be friends?

I then realized I still had his jacket. I took it off and saw a note in the pocket. It read: Meet me at the park at 6 tomorrow.

I smiled.


Since that day in the park we have been dating. I finally arrived at my destination and saw Flame. "Hi." I said.

"Hey, how was it at your friends house?" he asked. So maybe I didn't tell him I was going to see my ex.

"Not great." I replied. "Oh, I'm sorrry." he said. I shrugged and he kissed me.

"So, ready to go meet my parents?" I asked after we broke apart. "Yeah, I think I am." he said.

I nodded and we began to head to my house.


Once we arrived I knocked on the door. After a long moment mom answered it. "Jade! Your home!" she exclaimed.

She pulled me into a hug. "Hi mom, I missed you so much." I said.

"You look so much older and more mature! What happened to the 16 year old girl I knew!" she said I smiled.

The Lost Outcast Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now