Saving Jade

167 2 9

- Firefly

As Jade walked up to her front door her father stormed out of the house and shoved her inside.

Jade sent me a look of fear before her father slammed the door shut.

I just sat there for a moment staring at the door. I heard a scream and immediately went to action. Well maybe not action but I had a plan.

I started the car and started to go home. The car ride is about 10 minutes back to my house but it felt like 10 hours. I got home and practically ran inside the house.

When I got inside I saw Jaguar sitting on the couch watching TV. "Oh, hey Firefly, have you seen Jade?" he asked me not looking away from the TV.

When I didn't answer him considering I was busy looking for dad, Jaguar looked at me and saw my panicked expression.

"What's wrong?" he said more alerted. "It's Jade." that's all I could say before Jaguar was on his feet completely concerned.

Why does he care so much? Oh, does someone have a crush.

Normal me would have teased him but I had no time. "Where's dad?" I asked him. "I dont know, what wrong with Jade?" he asked me. "Argh I need dad!" I yelled in frustration.

Before Jaguar could ask me more questions dad was walking in the through the kitchen door. "What's up someone is calling my name?" he asked plopping down on the couch. "I don't think Jade is safe." that was all I had to say to get his attention.

Dad's face became very grim and he asked me why. "Well when I dropped her off before she could even make it her front door Winter was outside and yanking her inside. Right before he shut the door Jade sent me a look full of fear. So I decided to wait and see If I would see anything dangerous. And-and then I heard a scream. I'm scared for her dad." I told him trying not to cry.

I'm not a weak person who cries at the sight of blood. But Jade is a good person, and I know she isn't safe. And I'm scared for her.

Dad stood up and started walking to the car. "Where are you going?" Me and Jaguar asked simultaneously.

"Well I'm not gonna just leave her there. I'm going to get her." he said like it was obvious. I exchanged a look with Jaguar and we both started walking to the car aswell.

"You two are not coming," we both gave him an outraged look and he said, "Look if Jade is being hurt at home im not bringing my two kids with me." Dad told us.

"She is my friend Im coming with you." I said firmly and then hopping in the car. "Yeah, and shes my... well shes not my anything but im still coming!" Jaguar said before getting in the car too.

Again, normal me would love to tease him.

"Ugh you both are like your mother. Fine you can come but I need you both to stay in the car." Dad told us with a nod.

"Fine I just need to know shes ok." Jaguar said barely audible. I think Jade broke Jaguar because he has never acted like this around anyone but his family.

And even then it's rare. Like the time I broke my arm and it was twisted in a bunch of weird ways. Jaguar carried me bridal style the entire way home putting on his brave face as I screamed bloody murder.

While I being the older sister it's my job to be the brave sibling for eachother. Jaguar is better at it. His usual timid self disappears the moment someone he cares about is either in danger or in pain.

Again Jade must have done something crazy to get him to act like this.

When we arrived at Jade's house dad got out of the car and cautiously walked up to the door. I barely rolled down the window so I could hear.

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