Qibli's Funeral

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- Moon

He was gone. Qibli was gone. It was more painful than anything I have experienced. All I could think about. Qibli is gone. Qibli is gone. It felt unreal.

He can't be gone. He is still telling jokes and loving me. He is still crazy smart and caring. He was all those things.

It felt as if the sun was hidden behind rain clouds for eternity because he was gone. Even the sky was mourning.

I ached for one more of anything with him. A goodbye kiss. A goodbye hug. My last tears with him. Anything just one more of it.

My heart felt empty and the only thing keeping me going was my daughter. Jade.

Jade my beautiful daughter. It hurt to have Qibli gone but it hurt even more to know that Jade never really knew her father. And now she never will.

I felt a strange sense of pride and pain when I looked at Jade now. She looked so much like Qibli. She had my eyes and everything else was Qibli.

It felt like there was still a piece of him left. But it also reminded me that he is gone.

I remembered what Qibli looked like back in highschool.

I remembered the first time I saw him. Who knew the kind boy in the first day of school would be the one for me?

I still remembered the entire conversation. You don't forget that stuff.

I remembered all the crazy stuff we did. Our highschool love story moments. We really did have a climatic highschool love story.

I woke up to my alarm going off. I got up and put on a black dress. Today was Qibli's funeral. I had to make a speech about him. He was about the only thing I could talk about in front of a crowd.

I walked out of my room taking a glance at the bed. Normally I get up before Qibli for work. I always kissed him on the forehead before leaving. I winced at those memories.

I left the bedroom and went to the guest bedroom where Jade was sleeping. She looked so calm and happy. I stared at her for a moment. I was still astonished that we found her.

I walked up to the side of the bed and gently brushed away the hair in her face. "Jade?" I said softly. "Hrmf?" Jade said with a moan. "Jade wake up." I said slightly smiling. "Fine." Jade said opening her eyes.

"Why do we have to be up so early? Its only 9:00." she said while checking her phone. "We have to go to the funeral." I said looking away

"Oh I will get ready." Jade said quietly. I knew Jade was going through alot right now. She was scared from Winter and felt guilty about Qibli. I didnt know how to help her through all of this.


When we arrived at the funeral me and Jade were the first ones there. I went to Qibli's casket. I opened it and stared at him. "Qibli?" I asked knowing he wont answer me. "Qibli I miss you so much. You were my everything. Im not alone though. I have Jade. She will go the rest of her life without you now." I started to tear up and I had to look away.

"I love you Qibli." I told him. Jade came up behind me silently. It had been 2 months since Qibli died and Jade was getting used to calling me mom instead of Moon.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders to hold her close. She was very warm. I reminded me of Qibli. He wad always warm. Inside and out. I smiled ruefully.

"God you are so much like him." I whispered.

"Im so sorry mom." Jade told me. "No dont blame yourself, Qibli wouldnt want that." I said hurriedly.
She nodded but I could tell that she still felt guilty.

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