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- Jade

I was shocked. That moment in the car when I saw his face, I thought I was dreaming. All I could do was yell his name.

It had been a day since Dad came back. I still felt weird calling him dad but I was getting used to it. I got out of bed at 6:00 am to get ready for school.

I honestly missed living with the Night's. I missed the nights where me and Firefly would do eachother's makeup. I missed being that close to Jaguar.

It was nice to be with my parents too. I felt like a missing piece of me was finally back. I was a finished puzzle.

I grabbed a sage green crop top, black ripped jeans, white Converse, and my mascara. I looked in the mirror and I knew I looked fabulous.

I smirked before going down stairs. Dad and Mom were already down there. " Are you ready for you last month of school?" Mom said excitedly.

" Yeah I guess." I said with a shrug. " You made me pancakes! Thank you!" I said giving her a morning hug.

She smiled at Qibli who wouldnt take his eyes off of me. I gave him a hug and he just looked like a burden had been lofted off his shoulders. " Hey kiddo," he whispered, " Do me a favor and stay atleast 6ft away from Jaguar today." he said. I playful wacked him.

I checked my phone and it was 6:30. " Oh I have to go but I will se you after school. Love you!" I said before rushing out the door.

When I arrived at school all of the freshman looked happier than normal, the juniors looked excited, and the Seniors looked relieved. It was only the sophomore's who did not care about graduating.

History had been canceled so I had a free time before my next class. I walked to my locker and ran straight into Jaguar.

" Why do I always run into you?" I said smiling. " I dont kmow, I guess your just clumsy." he said with a shrug. I kissed him.

"So I heard about Qibli. How is that even possible?" he asked. I was hoping he wouldnt bring this up. " Yeah he says he doesnt know either but, living with Winter has made me a really good lie detector. I can tell he knows something." I told him.

" Well Im glad he's back." Jaguar said. The first bell rang and I knew I would not want to be late for science. " I have to go to Mrs. Kestrel. See you later?" I said before quickly kissing him and rushing to my next class.

" I walked in just as the bell rang. " Ms. Blizz you were half a second late detention!" Mrs. Kestrel yelled at me. " Actually its Dawn." I said not even thinking.

" What's Dawn?" she asked giving me a glare. " My last name its Dawn now." I said shyly. I hadnt told anyone about Winter or my parents except Jaguar, Firefly, Rose, and Copper.

" Oh and why is that?" An evil grin formed in her face as she knew I didnt want to talk about this. " Mr. Blizz abused me and kidnapped me. I moved in with Firefly, and Jaguar then later found my real parents." I said staring directly into her cold stare.

I saw a faint hint of shock in her eye. " Well, sit down now." Mrs. Kestrel said. Everyone in the room was staring at me. I calmly walked to my desk and sat down with a huff.

The rest of science was filled with people asking me about it. I told them all," It doesnt matter Im fine now."

It was a relief to finally be free from that class and onto my break. I sat diwn in the library and seconds later Anemone was in front of me.

" Look I know we dont get along but, I heard rumors about you and I wanted to tell you Im sorry." she told me. I was shocked she was even talking to me.
" Its ok. Its not your fault anyways." I said brushing it off.

She stared at me for a moment before going to talk to Tamarin her new girlfriend. I sighed before starting my homework.


3:00 pm finally came and I was realesed from this school. The bus was full and Firefly's car broke fown so we were walking home together.

Jaguar was texting someone on his phone. He started to walk in the road. A car was coming really fast towards Jaguar. My heart stopped.

I screamed his name and ran towards him to push him out of the way.

I jumped last second and with all my might pushed him away from the car.

I managed to glance at Jaguar and saw him safely out of range. Then something hit me and it all went black.

hehehe cliff hangers!!! Kinda a short chapter though (;. 831 words! Have a good day!

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