[7.1] CLAIRE LIN part-one)

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"Clair....the screamer."


I CLOSED MY EYES feeling the cold currents, stream down my back. I wasn't used to bathing in cold water, and yet here I was enjoying it more than anything else. There was a certain amount of peace in the little things. My imagination was always my greatest asset, and that is why I preferred reading to watching Television.

However, at this moment, my imagination failed to whisk me away to a place of bliss, instead of abandoning all peace, reminding me of exactly where I was. In reality, in Kingsland.

"When I see your face! There's not a thing that I would change! Cause girl you're amazing, just the way you are!"

A sad smile made its way into my features as Clair's voice filled up the bathing area. She had first started with a subtle hum, then increased to a noticeable moan, before blasting out like the shower was her stage.

Truth be told, she had a great voice, needed a tweak here and there but all in all, the girl could sing. I comfortably bobbed along to the version of the song in my head, the words going through my mind even before she sang them out loud.

Flashes of the fall suddenly filled my head again. The sound of my voice burst through me as I reached for Mom, the sensation of it tickling my throat. I suddenly opened my eyes gasping frantically. Reaching out, I turned off the shower trying to keep my breathing calm at the sudden flashback.

I had spoken.

I know I had.

My fingers trailed down my throat as I tried to remember the feeling, yes. There was a feeling I felt ooze through me in that genuine moment. Opening my mouth slowly, I closed my eyes reassuring myself I could say it, I know I could say it.


It was that easy. I formed the word with my lips before pushing out the air. Waiting for the sensation to come, for that feeling to travel up my throat again, for the sound to reach my tingling ears.


Nothing but air.

I closed my mouth in disappointment, lowered my head, and opened my eyes, taking in the sight of the shower.

What if it was just all in my head?

It probably had been. Maybe the greatest thing you covet pops into your mind before you die or when you're close to death like in my case. But the fact remains.

What if I had never spoken?

But my mom had heard me. I distinctly remember the look of surprise on her face as she spiraled out of sight. I might have done nothing, said nothing, but... if I did, only she could confirm it. I had only to wait, wait for her to wake up, Gravis said it wouldn't take long. And if it did?

No, Gravis was trustworthy. I could trust him.

Reassuring myself of this a couple more times, I reached for my towel, wrapped it around me, collecting my stuff. Stepping out of the shower, I was surprised to find Clair waiting. Her singing trailed off when she saw me, offering me a bright smile, yet behind her eyes, I saw a familiar emotion echoing in my own eyes.

"You're new here too, right?"

I nodded, as she pushed her wet hair to the side, her hands clasped tightly behind her back, her pink sponge swinging from them.

"Well, I've been here since Tuesday," she replied, tilting her head slightly. I took that as a gesture following her lead out of the showers, "haven't begun any classes yet because apparently, I missed the cycle," she hummed, her eyes enlarging as she pursed her lips.

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