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if you have a problem, your mentors are there to help. If you feel they are incapable, you may seek an audience with me.If I get to you and you can't say a word to my face, you've wasted my time- and that's something you don't want to do at any cost.


ALL EYES WERE sent on the snarky silver as she made her way down from the bleachers, positioning herself behind the line we all had been in a few minutes ago, waiting for the next orders but before any of us could say anything, the door was pushed open and Harvest walked in, stopping for a second.

All eyes set on him, my eyebrows arched. He refocused his gaze on Talon walking towards him and a frown overtook my features.

I thought Talon had said he wouldn't be coming back so why was he here?

I clenched my jaw, hands tightening on the side of the bench I was sitting on, eyes low as they settled on his every movement.

He stopped in front of Talon, turning momentarily to Nala who was still standing in position.

"Where are we?" he asked in his primal English tone.

Talon seemed as surprised as the rest of us that he had returned. I noticed his gaze strayed momentarily to his 2 fellow mentors but all he got was a blank stare from Micheal and a careless shrug from Lira who folded her arms thereafter.

"Uh- we were just about to get them to demonstrate their dilects," He replied, clearing his throat, "Alpha."

It didn't take much to see that Talon was quite intimidated by Harvest but I didn't want to focus on that so much, after all, who wasn't?

Even Daya seemed to know how intimidating he was, and though Lira tried hard to show it, she acted differently around Harvest.

I would even say there was some slight respect going on in there though I knew it would take a whole lot for her to ever admit it.

The truth was, the only people I saw who weren't completely intimidated by Harvest were the Original Five and maybe- Raskei...?

I tailed that sentence off in a question not sure about it.

Talon handed the list of names to Harvest, whose eyes took a quick sweep of it for a second, before turning to Nala, his hand dropping to his side, book swinging.

"Nala," he stated coldly and her lowered gaze slowly trailed back to him.

The room was deathly quiet and I watched from above the girl I had known to be a snotty chatterbox silenced into oblivion by Harvest.

His head tilted to the side, still eyeing her but I could tell from the low rise and fall of her chest which was visibly seen from here that she seemed to be scared.

Harvest motioned to her to move, his ringed hand calling her forward to him. Her eyes looked hesitant for a second, eyes shifting from him to Talon just for a second before she walked toward the two.

She came to a standstill a few feet away, close enough to hear a whisper but far enough to not feel too overwhelmed by him I figured.

I had been in her exact position before, the very first day at Kingsland with Claire when we met him in the hallways.

I knew the feeling that was traveling through her veins, not knowing whether to be in awe at his beauty or whether to cave in at his dominance especially when his eyes were involved.

If I had a voice at this moment, I would call to her and advise her to see the dominance over the beauty, for if I had learned something so far in my time with him, his beauty was only meant to keep you still and make you feel small.

And to people like me who were built like that on their own, it felt like suffocation, like losing air, and ultimately it brought fear.

"Closer." he grunted.

I watched her eyes widen for a second at the command.

Her breathing seemed to be lower but took that step.

It wasn't close enough because Harvest released a frustrated sigh, walking right toward her, standing a breath away from her. He was a good way taller than her too which made him look all the more intimidating.

Talk about his fashion choices, black made him look even more ruthless.

"You wanted to say something to me," he stated, holding her gaze with ease whilst we could all see the start of a sweat pattern dancing on Nala's forehead.

My eyebrows arched at his words wondering how he could have heard that statement when he wasn't even in the room when she was ranting.

Maybe he hadn't left and he and Raskei were just right out the door.

Either way, this was not looking too good for her.

She stood there speechless, looking like she wanted to say something for a moment but ending up gaping like a fish.

I glanced around the room and everyone was seemingly invested in the whole ordeal, some even holding down a laugh, and by some, I simply meant, Lira.

"Do you have any suggestions to make, Nala?" he asked again, his accent strangled on her name as her eyes darted to and fro in his, slowly shaking her head.

Harvest clenched his jaw seemingly irritated by this, "use your words," he grunted, looking as if he was running out of patience.

"N-no" she stuttered out shortly, hands shaking behind her back.

Harvest clenched his jaw, glancing in our direction but not really at us, eyes trailing to the ceiling, before latching back onto his prey.

"Do want to repeat that?" he asked, his tone cold and unforgiving.

Her chest rose and fell faster, nodding frantically and he raised an eyebrow.

'No, Alpha," she replied louder and more audible.

The vibration took tent in my ears, my mind registering the shake in her voice. Harvest seemed to accept this, finally turning to address the rest of us.

"The rules are simple, Listen, Respect and Always Obey," he said, eyes trailing over our scattered selves seated on the bleachers, "if you have a problem, your mentors are there to help. If you feel they are incapable, you may seek an audience with me. If I get to you and you can't say a word to my face, you've wasted my time-" he trailed off glancing down at Nala who lowered her head immediately eyes shifting on the floor,

"And that's something you don't want to do at any cost."

I could see Nala visibly gulp and yet for all the right reasons I was grateful I wasn't the one in that position.

Harvest turned to hand the list back to Talon, "You may begin with test, that one goes last," he finished, referring to Nala who looked up momentarily at this.

Talon nodded, as Harvest walked toward the bleachers, sitting down next to Lira who seemed both surprised and uncomfortable.

My eyes lingered on him my heart beating softly within me.

He was back, which means he would be around when it was my turn to show my dilect-

If only I had one.

Talon looked up at us whilst standing below, "Albert Dorren." He called out.

My eyes shifted to the bulldozer of a boy, who looked like he was Gaston's brother, watching him get to his feet, a nasty smile on his face as he chewed his gum, taking it out and sticking it behind a chair to my disgust.

To get down below, he used the aisle right by me and I took note of the color of his band-


Naala got served. Ngl

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