[131] ASSEMBLY (part-two)

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This was for the best.


"FOR SOME OF you, it is your first blood moon," Miss Amir continued, her dark luscious hair blowing slightly in the light gentle breeze.

"And it is for your sake that we hold this assembly. For wolf-shifters, you may be familiar with this event, but for non-shifters, this is an event that occurs a total of five times a year. However, the first is the most dangerous."

My heartbeat ramped inside me as I thought about why it was the most dangerous. Because Lucas Bowne would be unhinged, completely taken out by his shifter beasts.

The Gigan and the Amaroq.

"The event affects the most powerful, as is the case for the prime of everything, and therefore we regard this particular one as the Crimson Blood Moon," She trailed off letting the silence hang in the air, as my gaze hesitantly traveled slightly up to Lucas Bowne, unable to hold my curiosity.

I spotted him standing at the far side of the fountain, his hands tucked into the large hoody he was wearing, the hood up bridging his dark sullen eyes from straying eyes, the clothing fitted his large frame perfectly.

He still looked very tired despite his efforts to hide it, taking a deep breath.

His eyes looked as if they were hunting, but just as I realized what he was doing, his gaze found mine, holding it in place firmly, my heart skipped a bit, ears tingling as we held eye contact.

I could see a small spark in his eyes, a slight smile forming at the corner of his lips, but I quickly looked away, eyes finding the ground before I could see anything more.

My jaw clenched, swallowing the saliva down my dry throat, hands tightening around my bag straps, despite feeling his hot gaze on me, only allowing my ears to tingle at the sound of Miss Amir's voice as she began giving instructions.

"During this week, all affected shifters will be separated from the normal classes, as the blood moon takes effect over the week. For the rest of you, your prime, or you're secondary in their perspective classes will be there to answer all your questions over the blood moon.

The Originals will be sent to go from class to class harvesting the best fire oranges as well as the best reds in preparation for the night and the firewall that will be erected on the night of the blood moon.

Despite the Blood Moon, there will be a practice field day for your Inter Color Games on Thursday.

Each Alpha of every team will be expected to guide you as you prepare for this event, before the Annual Inter Color Games that will cater for the whole of next week."

My eyes trailed around the crest grounds in surprise at the sounds of students cheering at her statement, my eyebrows arching, glancing momentarily at Claire who seemed surprised too but David seemed more upset than confused.

"A week of games," he muttered under his breath shaking his head.

Lira seemed to catch this too, but her grin was wider.

"You're going to love the wild, nerd- because the wild certainly loves you," she told him, her tone dripping with sarcasm, chuckling when he looked at her both suspiciously and now confused.

I turned back to look at Miss Amir when the student's murmurs had suddenly died down as quickly as blowing out a candle, noticing that Miss Amir had merely raised a finger, and that was enough to take the crowd of students back into their earlier silence.

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