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But I was a human unless I wasn't.


I STARED BLANKLY at the teacher, glancing down at my notebook, my cheek resting against the palm of my hand as I tried to follow whatever it was he was teaching in Biology.

It seemed so pointless and mundane to keep up with human subjects when there was a whole world out there filled with the supernatural that we were yet to uncover.

What I was yet to uncover.

Glancing up at the teacher again, I waited for a second until he turned away to scribble something on the board before I pulled up the book I had been secretly reading.

I had started reading the book, early this morning, and though there was nothing that particularly stood out I was quite invested in learning of the Brethren.

My eyes trailed over the words, sucking myself back into the story.

The Brethren of the King's Land, now known as the Brotherhood of Kingsland were people charged by the gods to take care of Kingsland.

It spoke of the beginning of the age of man, where the gods decided to as I quote, 'relinquish their immortal thrones,' they decided to leave a group of trusted humans in charge of the place they held dearest-which was Kingsland- the last hold of their existence, the last evidence of their rule.

There was nothing that was too questionable to make me overthink this until I came to a certain paragraph that piqued my intrigue.

It spoke of a time long after the gods had thought to have disappeared and the brethren who took charge of Kingsland began their protection of its lands.

It spoke of a time when the Brethren were hunted, and most of them perished by an unknown order.

My eyebrows arched at this, leaning over the book- reading through. Was this order the Hunters Lucas had talked about?

I wondered, staring up at the teacher yet my mind was far away from anything that he was saying.

No, that couldn't be it. I mean Lucas had said they hunted Deceptions.

Demi-gods weren't deceptions, and they were only seven-so what counter 'order' hunted down the Brethren?

I looked down at the book quite invested to read more.

"The Brethren of the first order, chosen by the god Zeus, selected each of the bloodlines of brethren, by right of birth, by right of ability, and by right of order after fell the first, and so the first was chosen."

My eyes trailed off the rest of the sentence.

That didn't make sense.

The First fell, but the first was chosen again.

The first of what?

I tried to read more but it had ended like that, going off to explain the species that needed protection, even mentioning the Wilting tree as one of the dying species of plants- moving on the species like the white stags, Berhenions boars the Pegasus although not expanding much into detail, ending with the mention of the sirens which piqued my interest, before I could start, I paused there at the bell ringing in my ears, allowing me to finally look up and come back to reality.

A teacher whose name I hadn't even caught dismissed us.

I gathered my books, left my notebook out, and packed the rest in my bag, before grabbing it, and holding it to my chest as I walked out numbly, still in deep thought.

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