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"But your entry was a little rough Brother, you almost pushed the girl out of the tree."


I STARED OUT at the empty space trying not to think about what Lucas had just said, but a shift in the air let me know he was still very much interested in talking, not that I minded it very much.

He had a deep soothing calm voice; he could have a career in advertisement or voice acting if he so desired.

"I've been talking about myself for way too long," he chuckled, shifting his position on the branch to lean on the trunk, looking at me directly.

I decided not to look back and see what he was getting at, quite afraid we would have a staring contest which I would downright probably win as I had developed a certain liking to those hazel spheres, but of course, the last thing I wanted was to let him know that.

"Are you okay?" he suddenly asked, his tone lower and sounding actually concerned for a moment.

I paused at that question feeling slightly confused, turning to face him, my eyebrows raising before nodding.

He studied my face for a moment before repeating the question.

"Are you sure?" he asked drawing his knee up on the branch whilst the other swung freely.

I thought about this question for a moment, well mainly along the lines of why Lucas Bowne would ask if I wasn't okay.

It was a curtsey to ask someone how they were doing, however, asking twice was a little bit more suspicious and I didn't know why he would care anyway, he barely knew me.

We had only coincidently met over the last week. It wasn't enough to be looking at me as if I was hiding something- which I was surely not.

I nodded, before asking why.

"The other day I saw you come out of Harvest' room, -" he began.

My heart seemed to freeze. Oh, yeah, I was hiding something-

"-and I don't want it to sound wrong, but it's just-you don't really seem like the type..." he trailed off, eyes narrowing down on me for a moment, tilting his head slightly.

I sat there, eyes wide not knowing what he meant by that exactly and not knowing what to sign. I remembered coming out of Harvest's room and seeing him and Andrew coming down the hallway. My gaze shifted down to the tree branch unable to explain myself in the least.

How was I supposed to tell him about Harvest?

If anything, I would only be signing my death warrant.

Even if I asked Lucas Bowne to keep it a secret, I knew that he would be able to read the guilt off my face if he couldn't already read my mind. I still hadn't decided if he was capable of that yet.

I could ask Lucas if Harvest could, but something told me there were a number of powers that Harvest had that he didn't want anyone knowing about and I just couldn't risk it.

I slowly looked back up at him shrugging, racking my mind for some sort of an excuse but coming up blank.

How could I possibly explain coming out of Harvest's room bright and early in the morning while he stood there lurking in the doorway with a face that anyone could have miss interpreted?

'H-he was h-helping with something..." I trailed off signing, not even believing that's the best excuse I could come up with.

His eyes narrowed on me and I could plainly see he didn't believe me just like it was with my 'hide and seek game.'

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