[156] Goodbyes

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"Do not take it off."

I STARED AT Gravis for a second, still unable to believe that the prime was here.

My hands were shaky, and I quickly hid them behind me. But that didn't stop my heart from beating hard within me.

Gravis' eyebrows arched momentarily as he asked, in a low voice, "Daya?"

I shook my head, sniffing for a moment, signing to him that she was asleep.

Well, at least I thought she was. Who knows what Harvest had done to her? All I remember was his simple command.


I hope to heavens above that was what she was doing.

I didn't want to think anything worse had happened.

Gravis nodded at this information, bidding me to come forward. I glanced momentarily at the still passed out Daya, before nodding and asking him to the me a second.

Closing the door momentarily, I slipped out of my muddy shoes and wet clothes, putting on warm pajamas and a robe.

I opened the door again stepping out, closing it behind me, and looking back up at Gravis.

His eyes narrowed down on me, raising an eyebrow, "Are you alright?" he asked, slowly, seemingly studying my face, an unrecognizable look in his eyes.

My throat ran dry.

The most logical thing for me to do right now was squeal and squeal like a pig, but I found myself nodding stiffly instead. My hands were still trembling.

His eyes narrowed on me for another moment before nodding, allowing me to move to his side.  "There is someone who would like to see you."

I nodded at this, knowing exactly who it was, giving him a small smile, trying to conceal the fact that I was not in the right state of mind at the moment and that I was shaken up by all that happened not 10 minutes earlier.

We walked down the empty walls, and my eyes darted around every corner and every shadow as if expecting to see Harvest looming in one of them.

My hand scratched against my wrists, my jaw clenched tightly together so sure something was about to jump up out of the darkness as we walked out of the scepters back into the dead of night.

"Are you sure you're alright, princess?" Gravis asked lowly beside me as he walked with his hands behind his back.

I looked up at him, hesitating for a second.

I should say something. I should tell him everything. That I wasn't safe here. That Harvest was something called the Heir of Darkness. That didn't sound like someone Kingsland was fine with hosting. Vampires obeyed him for Pete's sake! They feared him! He could pluck souls from hell. He defeated hoards of creatures as if they were absolutely nothing.

I was frightened by the dark thoughts that run in my mind. What if Harvest was more powerful than the Prime?

My body chilled at the question.

Could he?

That was all the more reason to give Gravis a heads-up.

So- Why wasn't I saying something?

I nodded once again, before signing a confirmation this time with slightly less quaky hands.

"I'm alright,' I replied giving him a short smile, focusing on the path ahead.

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