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WITH A SHAKY hand over my mouth, I was scared to stone simply staring at the mere size of the snake.

Its scales glowed deep black obsidian in the fading light, and the climbing stars.

Nala gasped, her eyes unable to leave the snake, which sat coiled but like a viper, its steal cold glass-like eyes, set on her and no one else.

She wheezed as if it was too hard for her to breathe. Almost as if an invisible force was choking the life out of her, and yet she remained as still as a statue, stuck in one position.

If it wasn't for the panic-stricken visage on her face, one would have never realized the true danger she was in.

"W-what's wrong with her? W-what's the hell is it doing?!" Alfred managed to stutter, my gaze widening when I noticed that Nala's skin was hardening beneath her leviathan suit.

Her fingers had already curled to stone, reminding me of the statues Mr. Ogustus kept in the Amory towed.

Dark grey veins quickly appeared on her throat, hardening each part of her skin where they traced, now traveling to her face.

Her gaze remained as if trapped in some sort of trance by the snake.

"C-can't. Breathe," she stuttered out, gasping for air again.

Fear was spelled in her very gaze, and I had no idea how to save her.

"It's growing! Feeding on her," Omkara explained in his terrified state, "it's hypnotized her somehow. She can't look away-"

"Take her out!" Alfred yelled.

Omkara shook out of his gaze, his hands shaking, "it's not human, so I can't get into its mind-"

His gaze snapped to Alfred, "You'll have to burn it!"

Alfred seemed about ready to faint, "I can't unless I touch it-"

"Don't you dare! It's highly venomous!" someone yelled.

Our gaze snapped to Lira, who seemed to have come out of the blue.

I couldn't feel my body. It was almost like I didn't even exist at this moment. I had no clue what had happened. I was shaking, and the snake was -terrifying.

It was not a normal snake.

It was growing at an extraordinary rate, reminding me of the scariest Anaconda. On its head traveled two golden horns that looked like a crown broken in half.

Yes. This was no ordinary snake.

"Everyone, Step. Back!" Lira gritted, taking charge of the situation.

I couldn't move. I couldn't think. I was too stunned.

Lira gazed at a gasping Nala-

"P-please-" Nala gasped before her body stilled slowly, her lips hardening to stone.

"Do something!" Omkara was yelling, "Call the Alpha!"

"He's too far away-" Lira responded, staring at the scene before her, seemingly half gone, half in disbelief, "Talon was supposed to be right behind me with the new shift... But not for a moment."

Something had to be done. Nala's body was a statue, only a quarter of her face was left to go before she would be nothing but stone.

Only one of her eyes was blinking to reveal she was still there.

"It's A basilisk. It turns anyone that it looks into its eyes to stone, and before that, it paralyzes you. Apart from that, it's got venom under its skin-" Lira breathed. Her voice was a fast ramble and filled with disbelief.

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