[108] COMBAT CLASSES: RASKEI (part-two)

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"You may take your leave, Lira, she's safe with me."


I MADE MYSELF comfortable on the highest row of the bleachers watching each fight take place.

My eyes momentarily traveled down to Lira with a grateful and relieved look. She in turn returned a subtle nod before moving across the room, taking a stance beside Talon.

She folded her arms, eyes set on the 2 students down below who were fighting using both their wit and their dilect.

I tried what I could to focus on the fight, but I felt my attention drawing down to Harvest who sat in the center on the bottom row of the Bleachers, practically barking out orders if you'd ask me.

He seemed to be in a bad mood today I noticed, from the way he was seated to the random ticks in his jaw now and then as if he was beyond frustrated over something. 

Nothing seemed to be impressing him it seemed and I began to doubt  if there was ever going to be someone from our cycle who would make it to the so-called 'Elite.'

Whilst some people like Nala and Alfred Doren seemed to make it their mission to destroy their opponents and make a name for themselves, I felt sorry for other students who looked like they would kill to have a sick note right now.

I watched it all for as long as I could without getting too freaked out by it all, depending on the dilects being shown.

The world was loud and at this moment I wanted to take a breath, taking my notebook and paper, writing down a few poems of the day.

As I wrote, I tried to tap into my feelings blocking out the sound of Talon's loud voice calling out the names of the next students who were supposed to fight.

The minutes went by and I went from writing poetry to sketching random art, even if I wasn't much of an artist to begin with.

Looking up, my pen paused over the drawing of a rose I was trying to sketch.

The key word was trying- it looked more like a bundle of leaves.

My ears pricked up at the sound of footsteps approaching, and I looked up at the boy who was approaching me, the same guy who put me in the sick bay.

Yellow's seemed to all be good at getting me into things I hated.

I was convinced all yellows were bad luck at this point.

He stopped in my row, looking down at the fights going on before looking back at me.

"Hey, Talanda right?" he asked.

I turned to face him like I hadn't seen him coming yet and nodded nevertheless.

He seemed nervous as he talked.

"I've uh, I've also been asked to sit out of any exercises to do with my Dilect until my Colors teacher gives me the go-ahead," he grunted, with a small smile.

I glanced at him yet again, nodding before looking back at my poor excuse of a flower. Honestly, I just liked shading the petals.

"Uh- I just wanted to apologize about the whole, burning you alive thing," he grunted outwit a nervous chuckle, "I just, I'm sorry I couldn't control it then and I risked your life and I'm sure that if the Alpha wasn't there I might have-" he stopped himself, and my fingers paused at this, my eyes slowly trailing down to the bleachers, spotting the Dark coat of  Harvest as his eyes trailed down the length of the court.

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