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Harvest moved through the forest.

There was a lot to do and a lot to get done. He had been lacking from his duties for a while now. Lost in his head, in another version of himself he was glad he had been freed from.

There was much to put in place, but it was almost over.

The worst part of it was done. A relief.

He sighed, a ringed hand massaging his neck as he moved through the trees, the wind rippling through his midnight curls.

Shadows crossed him, voices whispered to him, lulled and quiet through the darkness of every shadow.

His lips rose slightly as he felt the power oozing against his skin, he had missed it all. Having to suppress it had made him weaker.

But now he was back and the last play was all that was left. Then it would finally be over and he could get off this bloody island.

"About time," he grumbled to himself. He picked up the sound of a heartbeat, drumming nearby.

He halted momentarily, knowing exactly who awaited in the trees, hands sliding into his coat pockets just as the forest glitched.

"And here I was thinking she had actually changed you," A voice chuckled.

Raskei was leaning against a nearby tree, sharpening her knives against the bark. She blew the wooden bits off the clean edges, studying their reflective surface that bounced off the rays of the new sun budding through the overhead trees, before looking up at him, humor in her eyes.

"Now don't be too hard on yourself," Harvest smirked, accent apparent in even jar, "for a moment even I believed it too."

"What made it—click?" she asked a sly smile playing at her lips, pushing off from the tree. She Tucked her knives into her belt, looking him over, "I must say, you were spiraling there for a moment, Harvest."

The boy in black paused as if thinking, a humored glimmer in his eyes, "I suppose I was," he chuckled, gaze finding hers, "For a moment only," he added, "and— it was Her eyes."

Raskei raised an eyebrow at this statement, "Her eyes?" she echoed.

Harvest shook his head, gaze stretching to the morning sky through the trees. "They're just—too much like her father's."

"You think the King has pretty eyes?" Raskei teased, chuckling, as she folded her arms, staring at him.

He smirked, but shook his head, "Ofcourse not."

Pausing, Harvest seemed to fade as if imagining them in that particular moment, "They're both so—condescending. Imperious."

"She doesn't strike me as proud."

"It is not the way she acts," Harvest scoffed, eyes lazily trailing back to hers, "It is simply who she is. She can not help it."

He massaged one of his shoulders as if they had just been carrying a heavy load, groaning at the relief it brought.

His gaze peered down at her.

"Her one fault is... Her innocence." he paused, blinking softly in the lingering silence, thinking of her.

"Delicate and soft."

His gaze seems to fade, voice hollow and bitter, "So fucking pure."

Glancing back up at Raskei, he straightened his posture.

"Incredibly Boring," He added, before walking off.

Raskei watched him leave, easily breaking out of her chamber. She chuckled, following after him.

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