[93.1] BESTIE

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"You're looking for something, let me help."


I DIDN'T HAVE a particular destination in mind as I kept my eyes low trying to block out the low whispering and subtle pointing people were throwing my way.

See to them they thought they were being discrete but when you've been the "quiet girl' all your life who just sits in a corner and observes every little thing, it didn't feel like they were even trying to hide it all.

I hated to play the part of the victim and if I was strong enough, maybe one day I would decline that role but it was hard to not feel like one when for the hundredth time in my life, all the attention was put exclusively on me and I was kind of finding it hard to breathe.

I had long lost both Claire and David as I swerved through the crowd, my feet moving along of their own accord as I tried to put everything into perspective.

How I went from not existing to being thrust into the limelight was pathetic.

The one thing Gravis had told me to do was the one thing I had failed over and over.

As much as I did kind of loathed both Harvest and Lucas for putting me in this position, I blamed myself the most for blindly inserting them into my life.

Yes, in the roundabout of things it all circled down to me.

If I hadn't followed Harvest down that gloomy path into the restricted Area I would have never been chosen as a leviathan-
and if I hadn't gotten lost in the maze I wouldn't have had to spend that evening with Lucas and suddenly start existing to him and then, of course, yesterday would have never happened and I would be the exact person I had been all my life.


It sounded pathetic even in my mind, but that was who I was, and liked it.

I liked being alone with my thoughts daydreaming of what it would be like to be someone else when in reality I knew it was just a fantasy, one that I didn't want to change into a reality because evidently, I couldn't manage it.

Yep, I couldn't handle the mere stares and the fingers being pointed my way and I didn't even want to think of Daya

I breathed out, turning a corner and pressing my back against the wall momentarily staring straight ahead to the other side of the hallway, my hand to my stomach feeling a tiny bit wobbly.

No one was in this hallway this time, but the familiar large wooden doors were wide open and my heart settled at the site of it.

Sighing, I pushed off the wall, pulling my bag tighter and treading towards it.

This was the only place I could be right now.

Walking in, I noticed there were fewer people than usual and I figured it was because most people were in classes and the others who were walking around had either ditched or had different classes at different times.

I walked past the front desk moving briskly a little bit worried the librarian would ask why I wasn't in class but she didn't seem to be bothered by it, looking like they didn't pay her enough to care or she simply just did not.

After all, I wasn't the only student here.

I let out a low shallow breath when I came near the bookshelves filled with books as vast as the eye could see in here.

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