The Reaping

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"There's just something about you I'm scared to lose, because I know I won't find it in anyone else."
— Unknown


It was the morning of the Reaping Ceremony for the 65th Annual Hunger Games and Ocean Newport was herding his siblings like sheep.

Trying to get the older ones (him 15, Coral 13, and Reef 13) ready for Reaping, and the younger ones (Sean 7 and Blue 4) ready to wait patiently in the crowd.

The poor boy was on his last nerve– Reaping Day was always hectic.

When everyone was almost ready, Coral walked up to her older brother, two white ribbons in hand.
Lifting them up to him, she quietly asked

"Do my hair?" She paused and added "Please?" so that she was being polite.

Harp, the kind man that he was, had always insisted on proper manners– Evangeline always supporting him on the matter.

Ocean sighed, not out of annoyance, but more out of remembrance. "Come here," he said.

The boy braided her hair into two identical plaits, but left some fringe out in the front– Coral would've just pulled the fringe out of her braids anyway.

After that, the children all put on their shoes and made their way to the center of District 4. Sean held Blue's hand and stood next to the Odair family.

Despite Coral and Finnick's rivalry, Sean and Lyra Odair (Finnick's little sister, who just happened to be Sean's age) were very close.

Lyra Odair had pale skin, tanned a little from the sun, dark blonde wavy hair, and beautiful blue eyes.

Most would call it young love, what Sean and Lyra had. The two seven-year-olds were rather smitten with each-other, but in the most mature way.

It was odd, and no one could be certain whether the two would grow up to be married or simply be best friends– the kind that got "married" as children and would laugh about it fondly when they remembered how silly they were when they were young.

Whatever it was, it annoyed both Finnick and Coral to no end, but neither could bring themselves to break the young couple up.

And so they just dealt with it.


"I think you should volunteer," the voice of fourteen-year-old Finnick Odair taunted Coral as he passed by her. "You really have a shot. You could just yell at all the other tributes until they die. Quickest games to date."

"Really?" Coral asked, mock enthusiasm in her voice. "Then you should volunteer with me. Winning the games and getting rid of you at the same time? A dream come true!"

"Ah, ah, ah," the boy taunted. "You see, if that happened, I wouldn't die. I'm immune to your sorcery."

"Well, I think I'd just stab you at that point."

"You'd miss me," he smirked.

"I'd be too busy enjoying the peace and quiet to miss you," she simply stated.

He tugged on one of her braids and sprinted off, wishing her a "Happy Hunger Games" as he went.

She threw a small rock at his head, smirking when it made contact.


Ambrosia Vinette, the District 4 escort, gave them the same speech as always.

She had light brown skin and light powder blue hair (this year's chosen color). Her make-up and extravagant dress were also light powder blue.

Every year, Ambrosia sported a different color. Last year's color was lemon yellow.

The female tribute had been chosen (Nita Kalypsa, eighteen years old, volunteer). Coral let out a sigh of relief. Now, she just had to hope that Ocean and Reef didn't get chosen.

"And now for the boys."

Fingers crossed, and eyes shut tight, all Coral could think was "not them, not them, not them."

"Finnick Odair."

Coral Newport froze. Her blood felt like it was suddenly ice and her heartbeat got very loud in her ears.

It hadn't been Ocean or Reef. It was the boy she hated. So why did the earth stop spinning the moment his name was called?

He was only fourteen. District 4 was a career district. Someone would volunteer. Someone older, more experience. Someone with more of a chance. But no one volunteered.

And Finnick Odair, tanned, golden, and beautiful, was standing on the stage shaking hands with Nita Kalypsa.

He was smirking, like always. How long would he remain smirking?


Coral wasn't quite sure how she got there, everything had been a blur since the name "Finnick Odair" rang out only a few minutes ago, but she was standing at a door. Behind that door, was Finnick.

His family had just walked out a few seconds prior, Lyra bawling and asking where Sean was when she saw Coral.

The strawberry blonde told her that he'd be at their house and that Lyra and her parents were welcome to come over ("Just tell Ocean that Cora said it's okay").

So that's where the Odairs went (with the exception of Finnick), to the Newports' house.

When the peacekeepers let her through the door to see him, she stepped in and they both froze.

After a few seconds, they shook off the initial shock.

"What are you doing here?" Finnick asked as he wiped his red-rimmed eyes, turning away from her so she wouldn't see him so weak.

"I-I-." Cora was at a loss for words, her mouth agape.

"Come to laugh at me?"

She wasn't sure how to respond or what to say, and so the following words rushed out of her mouth before she could stop them. "I don't want you to die!"

"What?" He looked at her slowly.

"I don't want you to die." She said, slower and more clearly.

Before he could say anything, she continued on. "I'm going to try and take care of your family. Especially Lyra. I'll make meals, help with cleaning, anything they need if that's alright with you."

"Y-yeah, uh–" He, too, was at a loss for words.

"But you have to promise me one thing. Or I won't do it."



"I can't promise that, you know that." The boy sighed in defeat.

"Then, promise me you'll try. With everything in you, I need you to try. Please."

"I promise... Why are you doing this?"

"I don't want you to die."


There was a beat of silence. "I don't know."

The peacekeepers bursted in, escorted Cora out, and that was it. She didn't fight to stay with him, nor he with her.

Finnick Odair was left with two thoughts before being escorted to the train:

One, maybe Coral Newport didn't hate him.

And, two, he might never get to thank her.

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