The Double Date

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"Only love makes you that crazy, sweetheart. And that damn stupid."
– Florence, Stranger Things


The eighteen-year-old Victors of District 4 had been back in the Capitol for about couple months. The 69th Annual Hunger Games had come and gone without incident. Cora had had multiple shows and many more appointments. Finnick had about as many appointments as Cora. They were actually both at separate appointments right now. Well, kind of.

The young man and woman that had bought them for the night wanted to do a double date. Honestly, Cora was surprised no one had thought of it before.

Harlow Kitz and Imani Dinkins, both seventeen years old, were at a Capitol party with Finnick Odair and Coral Newport. Harlow had bought Coral for the night and Imani had bought Finnick for the night.

The seventeen-year-olds were in flamboyant Capitol partywear, while the eighteen-year-olds were in not much at all.

For example, Finnick's tunic had a deep v-neck and was nearly transparent. Almost like a mesh material but nicer. Cora's top was comprised of strategically placed straps so that she was technically covered up, but not really.

Harlow had been handsy with Cora all night and Finnick, who was not used to actually seeing her being treated in such a way, was on edge. Cora didn't exactly like how clingy Imani was being with Finnick either, but she knew she couldn't do anything about it. She didn't want what happened to Ocean to happen to Sean or Blue.

"...and so my father smacks the avox right across the face and says 'That should teach you to hold your tongue!'" Harlow finished his hilarious story.

Cora hadn't been fully listening up until that last part, but she forced a flirtatious laugh and tried not to cringe at what she just heard.

"So," Imani began, holding Finnick's arms around her waist. "What is it like in District 4?"

"Oh, not nearly as beautiful as here in the Capitol," Cora gushed, not wanting to talk about home with some Capitol twit.

Finnick seductively whispered something in Imani's ear, making the seventeen-year-old smirk and lean in for a kiss.

Cora couldn't help but look away, deciding to put her attention on Harlow. If she just focused on her job, she wouldn't need to think about Finnick making-out with some Capitol prick right across from her.

The strawberry-blonde wasn't sure why this double date was affecting her so much. Yes, it was weird to have to act all seductive in front of Finnick. Yes, it hurt to actually see Finnick have to do the same things she did. But this felt beyond concern for her friend.

Normally, she could turn her emotions off and just get the job done. But, no matter how hard she tried to not care, she could barely keep the bile from rising in her throat. Coral Newport just couldn't turn off that ache in her chest that got worse and worse the longer Finnick and Imani made-out.

It seemed that heartlessness wasn't an option when it came to Coral Newport and Finnick Odair. Not when it came to each-other, anyway.

The night seemed to last longer than most nights, dragging on as Finnick and Cora were forced to force smiles and affection. They interacted with the other party-goers. They were famous, after all.

Eventually, Harlow got drunk and began kissing Cora. It was slimy and gross, but Cora didn't refuse. She couldn't refuse. And Harlow just kept going and going, well past the point of what was usually in the public eye.

Cora, still trying to do her job, began to get a little panicky. She was used to this, but not in public. And certainly not in front of Finnick, who sat across the table from her and Harlow.

When Harlow stopped, only to catch his breath, Cora seductively suggested that they take it into the hotel. But Harlow didn't like that idea. And he kept going.
The Capitol boy seemed to be a master at holding his breath and Cora felt like she was suffocating.

Harlow took another break, and the District 4 girl was able to breathe again. But this time, it wasn't because he needed air. It was because Finnick had yanked the Capitol boy off of Cora and thrown him to the ground.

Finnick, red in the face and angrier than Cora had ever seen him, was shouting at Harlow. "Don't you touch her! Don't you ever touch her!"

There were gasps in the growing crowd that surrounded them. What a scene.

Cora, once she unfroze from the shock at the sudden turn of events, stood up. She went to Finnick and slipped her hand in his.

"Let's go," she said calmly when he looked at her. She felt anything but calm, but she knew Finnick needed her to be calm. And so, that's what she was.

His face softened after a moment and he bowed his head, letting Cora lead him away from the party.


That night, Finnick couldn't sleep. He just stared up at the ceiling, holding a sleeping Coral Newport close to him. It had taken her longer than usual to fall asleep as well.

But Finnick was kept up by the anxiety growing in the pit in his stomach. All he could think of was what happened to Ocean. Cora had hinted at the reason her big brother had ended up in the arena. And he was so scared that his momentary lack of control would lead to a similar fate for his baby sister.

What had he done?

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