Interviews II

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"But in all the chaos, there is calculation."
— Unknown


The interviews went by quickly and, before Cora knew it, Katniss Everdeen was walking out onto stage in her wedding gown. The sight, of course, practically caused a riot. It was a reminder of the wedding that would never be.

Even Caesar was having trouble staying professional as he tried to get the audience to calm down.

Finally, there was a lull and the man was able to get out, "So, Katniss, obviously this is a very emotional night for everyone. Is there anything you'd like to say?"

The girl's voice trembled as she spoke. "Only that I'm so sorry you won't get to be at my wedding... but I'm glad you at least get to see me in my dress. Isn't it just... the most beautiful thing?"

Then the Girl On Fire stood up and began to twirl slowly, raising the sleeves of her heavy gown above her head.

Cora watched more intently, squeezing Finnick's hand as fire devoured Katniss' dress. The smoke thickened and charred bits of black silk swirled into the air while pearls clattered to the stage. She was completely engulfed in flames.

Then, all at once, the fire went out and another dress was revealed. It was just like the wedding dress, but coal grey and made of tiny feathers. Katniss raised her arms into the air.

Cinna had turned her into a mockingjay.

Katniss was still smoldering as Caesar tentatively reached to touch her headpiece, which had turned into a fitted veil of black drapes.

"Feathers," said the host. "You're like a bird."

"A mockingjay, I think," Katniss said, giving her wings a small flap. "It's the bird on the pin I wear as a token."

"It's not just that..." Cora muttered to Finnick, just loud enough so that only he would hear. The mockingjay had become a symbol of hope and rebellion in Panem.

Finnick squeezed her hand in acknowledgement, but didn't say anything. She had just voiced what they both were thinking.

"Well, hats off to your stylist. I don't think anyone can argue that that's not the most spectacular thing we've ever seen in an interview. Cinna, I think you better take a bow!" Caesar gestured for Cinna to rise.
Cinna rose and made a small, gracious bow.

Cora felt a pain in her heart as the man did so. She didn't know him, but she was certain that he would die for what he had just done. This only further solidified her resolve to rebel. It wasn't fair that someone would be killed for a dress.

The crowd applauded so loud that it was hard to hear the buzzer, signifying that Katniss' time on stage was up.

The Girl On Fire walked off the stage, immediately being replaced by her Lover Boy, Peeta Mellark.
He and Caesar began easily, making a few jokes about fires and feathers and overcooking poultry.

But it was obvious to everyone that Peeta was preoccupied, so Caesar directed the conversation to the topic that was on everyone's minds.

"So, Peeta, what was it like when, after all you've been through, you found out about the Quell?"

"I was in shock. I mean, one minute I'm seeing Katniss looking so beautiful in all these wedding gowns, and the next..." the boy trailed off.

Cora, watching the interview intently, came to a realization at his words. They were so young. Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen were both seventeen years old. And they were planning to get married because they had no other choice. Cora was almost twenty-four and she was still a young woman, even if she felt aged and worn down.

The strawberry blonde had been desensitized to many of the Capitol's atrocities in the last decade. But, just for a second, her heart ached for the tributes of District 12. Only for a second, though, before a fresh wave of apathy washed over her. The Capitol had done worse to her when she was sixteen than forcing her to marry a boy from her district.

"You realized there was never going to be a wedding?" asked Caesar gently, responding to Peeta.

The boy paused for a long moment, as if deciding something. He looked out at the spellbound audience, then at the floor, and finally back at Ceasar. "Caesar, do you think all our friends here can keep a secret?"

Cora leaned in, only slightly and quickly shared a glance with Finnick. The whole world was watching, it wouldn't be a secret. Her curiosity had been piqued.

"I feel quite certain of it," said Caesar.

"We're already married," said Peeta quietly.

The crowd was astonished. Cora immediately looked at Katniss, who was burying her face in the folds of her skirt. Why? Was it because she didn't want him to tell everyone? Or because he was lying?

She caught Finnick shoot a suspicious look her way. Cora returned the look and nodded her head back to Peeta.

"But... how can that be?" asked Caesar.

"Oh, it's not an official marriage. We didn't go to the Justice Building or anything. But we have this marriage ritual in District 12. I don't know what it's like in the other districts. But there's this thing we do," said Peeta, briefly describing a toasting.

"Were your families there?" asked Caesar.

"No, we didn't tell anyone. Not even Haymitch. And Katniss's mother would never have approved. But you see, we knew if we were married in the Capitol, there wouldn't be a toasting. And neither of us really wanted to wait any longer. So one day, we just did it," Peeta said. "And to us, we're more married than any piece of paper or big party could make us."

"So this was before the Quell?" said Caesar.

"Of course before the Quell. I'm sure we'd never have done it after we knew," said Peeta, starting to get upset. "But who would've seen it coming? No one. We went through the Games, we were victors, everyone seemed so thrilled to see us together, and then out of nowhere– I mean, how could we anticipate a thing like that?"

"You couldn't, Peeta." Caesar put an arm around his shoulders. "As you say, no one could've. But I have to confess, I'm glad you two had at least a few months of happiness together."

The applause was deafening and, once more, Cora looked at Katniss to see the girl's reaction. She looked up from her feathers to show a tragic and thankful smile, tears in her eyes. Cora wondered if it was the residual smoke that made Katniss's eyes teary, knowing that the girl wasn't that good of an actress.

"I'm not glad," said Peeta. "I wish we had waited until the whole thing was done officially."

That took even Caesar aback. "Surely even a brief time is better than no time?"

"Maybe I'd think that too, Caesar," said Peeta bitterly, "if it weren't for the baby."

To say that an outrage ensued after that would be a gross understatement. It was like Peeta Mellark had just set off a bomb. Even the most loyal Capitol citizens were shouting in outrage for the Games to be called off.

Katniss looked stunned. Whether it was because Peeta had just spilled the news about their child to the world, or because it was a spectacular and surprising lie, Cora couldn't be sure. Either way, as far as the world was concerned, Katniss Everdeen was pregnant.

Cora turned to look at Finnick, who had already been looking at her. True or not, Katniss being pregnant played on one of their biggest fears. That one day, they would have or adopt a child. And that that child would be reaped for the Games, getting killed along the way. Or worse, survive and have to live like they did.

After their brief moment of meaningful eye contact, the tributes of District 4 noticed that all the other tributes were joining hands. The two followed suit and, by the time the Capitol's anthem ended, all twenty-four of them stood in one unbroken line– The first public show of unity throughout all the districts since the Dark Days.

Just after that, the lights went out and they were plunged into darkness. But it was too late, everyone had already seen them.

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