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"Friendship is a wildly underrated medication."
— Anna Deavere Smith


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That was Mauve Riles' plan. If she followed that, she may never need to actually fight. It was wistful thinking, but it was all she had.

Her mentor had long since given up hope, but Mauve wasn't ready to accept her death. Not yet. Not until she'd done everything she could to prevent it.

But, instead of flawlessly sticking to her strategy, she found herself stuck glaring at Reef Newport.

He was gabbing on and on about District 4 and his life there, asking Mauve (who refused to answer) about her life. And, though she was furious with the boy, she couldn't help but almost find it sweet. This only made her more furious with him. And herself.

It was like clockwork. Every day she would train for an hour, and then he would show up and start talking.

Like clockwork, she would glare at him and demand that he leave her alone. He never did.

And, like clockwork, every day she would notice something new about him.
The way the light reflected his tan skin.
The way his hair would bounce in its spirals as he moved around, which he did a lot– especially when he got excited about something.
The way his smile was so mischievous and boyish– and would light up the entire sky with golden light, if only the sky could see it.
The way his eyes were the most brilliant emerald green she had ever seen, drawing her deeper and deeper in.

These observations only made her more furious. But, she stopped asking him to leave. And her glares became less harsh.


In all of the confusion, Mauve did find an unlikely friend. Coral Newport, Reef's twin sister. From the beginning of Reef's torment, Coral had always stepped in, sooner or later, to rescue Mauve.

The two would train together, carry out what they could of Mauve's plan. Cora would also teach her how to make fishing hooks and to fish. How to weave nets. She would instruct her on how to swim. Mauve, who could take-in and understand facts better, would teach them to Cora in a way that she could better understand.

And, all the while, they would talk about life, their families, Reef.

"He's really not so bad," Cora said one day while the girls were learning how to build a fire. "He can be... a lot, I know. But, he's my best friend. He's a good guy."

Mauve sighed, "I– I just don't understand why he won't leave me alone."

"I can't answer that for you. But, for what it's worth, even if the timing is horrible, I've never seen him smile that much around anyone."

The corners of Mauve's lips turned up, just a little. But then she began to frown. "Do you know what you're gonna do tomorrow? For the judges?"

Cora exhaled. "I don't have any skills that'll keep their interest. Just survival skills. You?"


There was a silence between the two for a minute.

"Mauve," Cora slowly started. "I know things between you and Reef are... complicated. But, do you think we could be allies? You, Reef, and I?"

Mauve thought a moment before nodding. "If you'll have me."

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