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"Like breathing, loving you is the most natural feeling I've ever known."
— Alicia N Green


Finnick Odair scored a 10. Coral Newport also scored a 10. The tributes shared a strange look. They did not expect high scores after their little stunts. Perhaps Cora got a 10 for how brutally she had mutilated the dummies. Maybe Finnick's gossip session showed how ruthless he could be. It was either that, or Plutarch's influence.

Aside from them and the tributes from Districts 1 and 2, everyone else scored low or medium. When Katniss and Peeta showed up on the screen, Cora leaned in. What would happen? She didn't know what she expected, but she did not expect them to each receive a 12, making Hunger Games history.

"They're turning them into targets," Finnick murmured in realization.

Cora just nodded, of course. On the night they decided to protect Katniss and Peeta, they had been informed that these games were specifically chosen to kill Katniss Everdeen. To squash the growing rebellion.

The tributes went off to bed. The next day was spent doing any additional training and preparing for interviews.


The morning of the interviews, the two got out of bed and were immediately rushed to be styled. After the beautification session, Cora found herself waiting in her robe for Klavien.

The man showed up with the ghost of a smile on his face, holding her outfit in a protective bag.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" The woman asked.

When Klavien was in a good mood, it was impossible to tell unless one knew him. He looked almost as stoic and emotionless as always.

"You will understand momentarily."

As he dressed her up and applied the finishing touches to her dress, hair, and makeup, he refused to let her see a mirror. He wanted her to be surprised.
After a few hours, she was ready. Klavien pressed a button on the wall and that wall turned into a full-length mirror.

Coral Newport was dressed as a pirate once again.

The dress was the most modest she had ever been dressed in the Capitol, though it still had a rather low-cut neckline. The outfit was a clear nod to her original parade outfit back when she was fourteen years old. It was just more mature now, more regal.

Coral Newport was no longer a pirate princess. She was a pirate queen.

She held in any emotions that threatened to spill over, so as not to ruin her makeup. "I love it," she told Klavien.

"That is why I did it," the man explained, once again without emotion. But Cora could tell he was smiling on the inside.

When Cora made it backstage before the interviews, she saw Finnick looking even more handsome than usual in a pirate getup. His eyes widened when he saw her.

"You look beautiful," he whispered into her ear after he had approached her.

"I do, don't I?" She whispered back.

He raised his eyebrows expectantly.

"You look handsome, too, Fin." She added with a smile, looking up at him.

The two just stared at each other for a moment.
Cora looked into the eyes of the man she loved. The man that, unless everything miraculously worked out, might be dead in the next twenty-four hours. She was scared to lose him. Despite the plan, there was no guarantee that he would make it out alive.

Finnick was thinking a similar thing. After everything they'd been through, he wasn't sure he'd survive if anything happened to her. No one could promise that she'd make it through what they were up against.

The world seemed to fade away as both of them came to their resolves. No matter what happened, they would both do anything to protect the other. Even let Katniss Everdeen die, if it really came down to it.

Just then, the Girl on Fire walked into the room in a wedding dress, shocking both Cora and Finnick back into reality. Katniss was beautiful. But she looked ridiculous. Poor girl. All the other tributes were staring daggers at the dress.

Finnick was the first to say anything. "I can't believe Cinna put you in that thing." Cinna was Katniss' stylist.

"He didn't have any choice. President Snow made him," the girl defended.

Cashmere tossed her blonde curls back and spat out, "Well, you look ridiculous!" Then the woman grabbed Gloss, her brother's, hand and got in line for the interviews.

Johanna went to straighten Katniss' pearl necklace. "Make him pay for it," she said.

The girl nodded, but Cora could tell she was confused. Katniss met the strawberry blonde's eyes. Cora gave her a wink and fell in line.

Everyone was angry. By the time Finnick went out on stage, there was not a dry eye in the audience. The Capitol citizens were devastated at what they were losing.

"Ah, Finnick Odair! Let's give him a cheer!" Caesar Flickerman, sporting lavender this year, announced. He was still trying to lighten the mood.

The bronze man sat down in his chair and the interview began.

"It is my understanding, Finnick, that you have a few words to say to a special someone in the audience, today. Am I correct?"

"You always are, Caesar," the man smiled. A few people in the audience fainted.

"You flatter me! Now, don't let me keep you any longer. Let's hear it!"

Finnick looked into the camera and began to speak. "My love, you came into my life when I least expected it. You had my heart before I could say no. Every day, my love for you grows. And, if I die in that arena, my last thought will be of your voice, singing me to sleep."

About a hundred more people in the audience fainted, thinking those words were for them. But Cora knew. Every word of it was meant for her. She held back any tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.

Finnick left and went to his place to stand in the back, where he would wait for Cora to join him.
Then, Caesar announced Cora's name and she walked out onto the stage, her emotions under control.

"Coral, how good it is to see you again! Wasn't that a beautiful sentiment your district partner gave just now?"

Cora smiled. "It was beautiful, Caesar. You know us from District 4, finding love in the Capitol."

"Are you saying that you have found love as well?" His eyebrows rose in excitement.

"It's hard not to, with all the wonderful people here."

"Would you like to say anything to him right now?"
Cora, like Finnick before her, looked into the camera before speaking.

"Like breathing, loving you is the most natural feeling I've ever known. I loved you long before I ever realized it. I just wish we had more time."

More people in the audience fainted and many more began sobbing. Cora said goodbye to Caesar and went to find her place next to Finnick.

She grabbed his hand almost immediately and he didn't hesitate to intertwine their fingers. For a moment, she felt at home.

Oh, how she loved him.

And, oh, how he loved her back.

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