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"Don't forget: somewhere between hello and goodbye, there was love, so much love."
— Faraway


Ocean burst through the door, Sean and Blue right behind him. Cora was first. They would visit Reef next. The two weren't allowed to share a room.

"Why did you do it?" Ocean demanded.

"I had no choice."

"You don't even know Annie! Why did you volunteer? Don't lie to us, Cora! You had to have had a choice or..."

"Lyra." Sean said in realization, tears running down his eyes.

"It was my suggestion," Coral confirmed. "I thought the rest of you would be okay. I didn't realize–"

Sean engulfed her in a hug around her waist. His big sister had saved his best friend's life. But only now did he realize the cost.

Hugging Sean back, Coral looked at Ocean, but spoke to all three boys. "Don't tell her. I don't want her to think it's her fault."

"I love you three," Cora said, moving on from Sean to hug Ocean and Blue individually.

"I love you," the three said back to her at the same time.

Peacekeepers came in and escorted her family out of the room. Ocean, Sean, and Blue would go on to see Reef.

No one could say "Come home," because that meant choosing one over the other. They wanted both to come home, but that was impossible.

How could a selfless act have gone so wrong?

None of them would ever know that Snow made sure only Ocean and Reef's names were in the draw.


Coral's next visitor was Annie Cresta.

"Thank you." The redhead said immediately.

"Of course."

"But you didn't have to save me, you know that? I would've been just fine and you wouldn't be in this mess."

"Annie, what's done is done. You weren't the reason I volunteered, but I am glad that it's you I volunteered for. If I make it home, I'd like to be friends."

She wasn't planning on making it home. But, in case some terrible twist of fate kept her alive, she'd like to at least gain a friend from it.

Annie was stunned and confused, but after a moment, she responded. "Yeah, I'd like that."

The redhead gave the strawberry blonde a nod and hurried out of the room.


Lyra was Coral's last visitor. As soon as she entered the room, she engulfed the older girl in a hug.

"Why?" She asked, her face in Cora's stomach.

"I know you hate this, but I don't have an answer for you."

"I'm gonna miss you."

Cora froze. Her dream.

"I'm gonna miss you too. I love you, Lyra."

"I love you, Cora."

The two didn't break apart until the peacekeepers escorted Lyra out of the room. Just as she was about to leave the room, the blonde shouted

"Finnick's gonna take good care of you!"

And, onto the train, Cora went.

You Asked For This - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now