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"Sir, that's my emotional support knife collection."
— Unknown


Cora woke up in Finnick's arms the next morning. Faint sunlight poured in the windows. She didn't want to get out of bed and so she snuggled deeper into his chest, nuzzling her head into him. He shifted and tightened his grip on her, waking up as well.

"Good morning, Cor," he mumbled in his morning voice.

After all these years, she still found herself blushing at that voice. "Not yet," she murmured back, trying to get even closer to him (if that was possible).

Morning meant having to get out of bed and train. Morning meant leaving Finnick's arms until nightfall again. If it wasn't morning, they didn't have to leave yet.

He smiled and sighed in agreement, "Not yet." He held her tighter and the two simply laid there for a while. Until they heard Mags' quiet but firm knock on the door, signaling that it was time to begin the day.

Finnick groaned and held Cora tighter. "Five more minutes," he muttered. He wanted to avoid the day just as much as she did.

"Come on, Finn, let's go," she sighed in defeat, though she had a smile on her face from being with him. They had to face this day whether they liked it or not. It was better to just get it over with.

Reluctantly, the man and woman made their way out of bed and began to start their day.


By ten o'clock, Cora and Finnick had found their way to the training center.

"What first?" The bronze man asked from beside her.

Cora surveyed the area, only about half the tributes were there. Them, Katniss and Peeta, and a few others. "Think you could give me a review lesson on knot-tying?"

He picked up a strand of her hair and played with it. "I know you want to marry me," he smirked, "but this isn't the place."

She pretended to be annoyed with him, but could hardly fight off the smile forming on her lips. "Just show me the ropes, Odair."

"You think you're funny, Newport?" He lowered his face to just be inches from hers.

"I do, actually," she smirked up at him, almost closing the gap between the two. She could hear Finnick's breath hitch.

They were so close. Just for a moment, he forgot about their surroundings and began to lean in.

Cora, however, did not forget where they were or who they were surrounded by. And so, she quickly blew on his nose and ran off to the knot-tying station, leaving the man stunned at the entrance.

The woman stood next to Katniss, who was struggling with one of the knots. No matter how hard the Girl On Fire tired, the rope always ended up lying limp in her hands, miraculously untied. That, or a terrible mess and not a useful knot at all.

"Having trouble?" The strawberry blonde asked smoothly as she settled in next to the younger girl.

Katniss didn't respond at first, eyeing the woman suspiciously before finally saying something. "You volunteered for Annie Cresta, right? That was brave of you." The olive-skinned girl looked uncomfortable, like she was trying really hard to be conversational.

Cora smiled. It wasn't as genuine as with her loved ones, but it wasn't a fake smile either. "You volunteered for your sister last year, Katniss. I'm sure you know all about being brave."

"That was my sister, though. It's different with you."

The woman gave the girl a meaningful look. "Not really." Annie was her sister, blood or not. Cora was never really one for blood-related family, anyway.

They continued attempting to tie the ropes in silence. After a few minutes, the strawberry blonde saw Finnick out of the corner of her eye. He gave her a look that meant he wanted her to keep quiet as he snuck up behind Katniss, a playful smirk on his face. Cora hid her own smirk as she stayed silent.

Finnick went behind the younger girl, his hands coming from around her waist to on top of her hands.

"Wanna know the best knot to know in the arena?" He asked seductively into her ear.

Cora bit back a laugh at Katniss' glare, pretending to mind her own business.

Finnick moved Katniss' fingers with his own until a noose was successfully tied. He removed himself from her and placed it around his neck, pretending to hang himself.

"Funny," the girl said. Cora didn't think she was all that amused, judging by the unamused expression on her face.

Finnick laughed as Katniss walked away. He turned to Cora and offered her the other end of the rope. "Wanna take me for a walk?" He smirked.

The woman scoffed playfully at the man and lazily grabbed the rope, pulling him along with her to the knife-throwing station.

She stared at the blades for a while, remembering the last time she'd thrown any knives. Nine years ago in the finale of the 66th Annual Hunger Games, just after Mauve Riles had been decapitated. Cora hadn't stopped until the girl from District 6 was beyond unrecognizable.

The screams rang in her head, Cora's screams as she brutally murdered another child. She never bothered to learn the girl's name, she didn't want the guilt.


Cora was snapped from her thoughts by Finnick's concerned voice.

"Everything alright?" He knew something was wrong, asking was just a formality.

"Of course," she looked into his eyes as if she meant it. "I'm fine." They both knew she wasn't, lying was just a formality.

She shook off the terrible feeling of twisted nostalgia. "Time to reacquaint with some old friends," Cora smirked.

She grabbed several knives and went to the new and fancy combat simulator. Finnick turned it to the hardest setting. "Should be easy enough," he grinned.

She rolled her eyes and stepped into the simulation. It powered on and orange holographic people began to run at her.

At once, her senses felt heightened. Every turn, every glance, every throw of a knife felt so natural. She tried not to let it scare her. Things like this shouldn't feel natural.

Cora lost herself in the fluid movements, feeling an uneasy sense of pride every time a hologram was hit and shattered. By the end of it, a small crowd has joined Finnick in watching her.

Johanna, naked and oiled-up from wrestling, smiled a morbid smile at the woman. "Now that's what I call badass."

You Asked For This - Finnick OdairOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora